“This was a cowardly fraud”. Fish spoke about his detention at Sheremetyevo

“This was a cowardly fraud”. Fish spoke about his detention at Sheremetyevo Anastasia, Vashukevich (better known as Nastia Fish) was visited in the detention center Zyablikovo members of the Public oversight Commission (POC). On 18 January, writes “Moskovsky Komsomolets”. Fish said that the conditions of detention in Russia much better than in Thailand. “Here is a simple space. A five star hotel. I for the first time in recent months, lying on the mattress. Because in prison we slept on the concrete floor. In General, if to compare local conditions and Thai — we miraculously survived. And the last days we were in the cell with no toilet. We were asked to urinate directly into the camera angle,” she said. In addition, Fish said that she wasn’t going to stay in Russia after arrival from Thailand and was hoping to move to Minsk. “At the airport (Sheremetyevo — approx. ed)

Found the bodies of two pilots of the crashed su-34

Found the bodies of two pilots of the crashed su-34 MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Rescuers found the bodies of two dead pilots after the incident with the su-34 in the far East, the defense Ministry reported. The Ministry said that the pilots were discovered by a search of the vessel without signs of life. The bodies of the pilots were taken aboard. Previously, the defense Ministry reported the collision of two su-34, which was flying without ammunition. According to preliminary data, the aircraft went down in the Tatar Strait, between the Khabarovsk Krai and Sakhalin. The crews managed to eject. Rescuers found one of the pilots. His condition is estimated as satisfactory. While the Ministry has stated about the salvation of another driver, but the defense Ministry later denied this information. The military Prosecutor’s office began an investigation after the incident. Criminal case is brought. Su-34 multirole fighter-bomber

The body of one of the pilots of the su-34 found in the Tatar Strait

The body of one of the pilots of the su-34 found in the Tatar Strait MOSCOW, January 18. /TASS/. Rescuers found the body of a second pilot of the su-34. This was reported to journalists on Friday the defense Ministry. “The ship involved in search and rescue operations, discovered and brought aboard the individual life raft with the body of the pilot of the su-34 with no signs of life,” — said the Agency. “At 3:18 local time (20:18 MSK) participating in the search fishing-the fishing vessel Elektron lifted the body of the second Navigator with the second su-34. Looking for two” — said in turn TASS in Vladivostok sea rescue coordination centre. It noted that the search for the two pilots is complicated by weather conditions. The center also reported that “in the area of search has been a detachment of ships of the Pacific fleet, is rescue ship

In Ufa the police fired poznavatelno, who said about rape

In Ufa the police fired poznavatelno, who said about rape Poznavatelno from Ufa, which is in October 2018 has accused three high-ranking police officers in the rape, was fired from her position. On 18 January, reported the press service of the Ministry. The report said that a girl got fired because she drank with her colleagues alcoholic beverages on the premises, and it denigrates the honor and dignity of a police officer. For this reason, his office has lost another employee. According to investigators, on 30 October, three high-ranking police officer raped a 23-year-old colleague. Under suspicion were heads of departments of the Republican Ministry of interior in Ufa and Karmaskalinsky areas, as well as the head of the Department for migration at the Ufa region. The audit showed that men drank alcohol in the workplace, and later invited the girls to join them. November 1, all three suspects were

The priority gas

The priority gas TFR responded to the statements of terrorist involvement in the explosion at home in Magnitogorsk. A gas explosion in Magnitogorsk The investigative Committee of Russia urged not to trust the statements of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (banned in Russia), claimed responsibility for the bombings of the house and taxis in Magnitogorsk. Posts about this Jan 17, published owned by IG publishing “An-NABA”. As a priority versions of the TFR continues to see an explosion of household gas, but the final insights promises to make the results of complex investigation. The investigative Committee of Russia responded to the statement of the international terrorist organization “Islamic state” (banned in Russia) about participation in explosions of apartment houses and a van in Magnitogorsk. “From the outset, the consequence fulfils all possible versions of the tragedy. Today, the priority remains the version of explosion of household gas. Emphasize that traces

In Norway the Russians detained on suspicion of assault with a knife

In Norway the Russians detained on suspicion of assault with a knife In Norway detained a 20-year-old Russian who is suspected of committing an assault with a knife in Oslo. This was told by Marie Benedict Bjornland, head of the Norwegian intelligence police and security services, reports local newspaper NRK. According to her, the case is being investigated as a possible terrorist attack. As told Bjornland, the suspect arrived in Norway via Sweden on Thursday, January 17. At present to connect him with any terrorist organization before, but it was his own testimony led to the fact that the investigation took over the police security service, she said. I can’t elaborate on the questioning, but he said he wanted to commit a terrorist act and kill a few people.Marie Benedict Bearlandbucfan Norwegian intelligence Others involved in the crime was not reported Bjornland. The attack occurred on the eve in Oslo:

Information about the rescue the second pilot of the su-34 not confirmed

Information about the rescue the second pilot of the su-34 not confirmed Moscow. 18 Jan. INTERFAX.RU co — driver of one of the crashed planes evacuated in Khabarovsk. As the Navigator of the su-34, which was rescued after the collision of two bombers over sea of Japan to satisfactory information about the rescue the second pilot has not been confirmed, according to the Ministry of defense. “Previous information about the discovery and rescue the second pilot, unfortunately, was not confirmed”, — stated in the message. The military said that in the area of the ejection of the crews of bombers su-34 zapelengovali signal emergency beacon. “Search and rescue operation continues”, — said the Ministry of defence. According to the defense Ministry, rescued the pilot — Navigator of the su-34 is currently being evacuated by plane An-26 with special medical modules in Khabarovsk. “His condition is satisfactory. Non-life-threatening”, — said the

Three members of the “artillery barrage”* removed part of the charges

Three members of the “artillery barrage”* removed part of the charges MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Prosecutor removed three members of the extremist movement “Barrage”* charges of involvement in the terrorist community, the correspondent of RIA Novosti from Moscow district military court. “Remove Dmitriev, Ivanov and Ozerov under part 2 of article 205.4 of the criminal code in connection with the refusal of the charges in this part,” said the Prosecutor, addressing the court with the appropriate petition. Earlier, the court started consideration of the merits of the criminal case against activists of “artillery barrage”* Oleg Dmitriev, Oleg Ivanov and Sergey Ozerov. The investigative Committee opened a case about the terrorist community, the English court of Moscow in mid-November 2017 detained. All three, according to investigators, the unemployed, “have the skills of conspiracy” and participated in the preparation of the terrorist act in Moscow. According to the FSB,

The defense Ministry confirmed the rescue the second pilot of the su-34

The defense Ministry confirmed the rescue the second pilot of the su-34 MOSCOW, January 18. /TASS/. In the rescue operation involved six ships of the Pacific fleet, helicopters and anti-submarine aircraft Tu-142. The helicopter of the defense Ministry rescued the second pilot of the fighter-bomber su-34, crashed in the sea of Japan. On Friday told reporters the Russian defense Ministry. “Helicopter pilots of the Eastern military district detected the co-pilot. The first approach the crew of the helicopter hovered over the individual life raft, and the pilot was brought aboard the helicopter. The condition of the pilot is satisfactory” — said the Russian defense Ministry. In the rescue operation involved six ships of the Pacific fleet, helicopters and anti-submarine aircraft Tu-142. The work of rescuers is complicated by difficult weather conditions due to strong wind and waves in four points. As reported previously TASS a source in law enforcement bodies,

One of the pilots facing the su-34 found alive

One of the pilots facing the su-34 found alive Moscow. 18 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — help to the victim is sent a fishing boat. The military found one pilot of the su-34, he is on a life raft and delivers the light signals, according to the defense Ministry. “This district is approaching a fishing vessel that was in close proximity”, — stated in the message of the defense Ministry. The Ministry added that the ship will reach the place of discovery of the liferaft for 20 minutes. The pilot found the crew of the helicopter Mi-8. Rescue operation passes in difficult weather conditions with squally winds and storm at 4 points. A collision of two su-34 bombers occurred when performing routine training flight over the sea of Japan, 35 km from the coast, the crews ejected, reported the information Department of the defense Ministry. “On January 18 at 08:07 Moscow time