The FSB told about hiding in Germany, the organizer of cocaine from Argentina

The FSB told about hiding in Germany, the organizer of cocaine from Argentina Russia’s FSB reports that the organizer of international criminal group involved in smuggling cocaine from Latin America to Russia, hiding in Germany, and in Argentina in this case arrested two citizens of this country. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “FSB of Russia, together with the interior Ministry and the National gendarmerie of Argentina from December 2016 activities carried out against participants of international criminal group involved in organizing the illicit channel of deliveries of large consignments of cocaine from Latin America to the territory of Russia and some European countries,” he said Monday in TSOs FSB. It noted that “in the course of the work set members of this group documented their criminal activities.” “At the second stage joint operations in Argentina by local law enforcement agencies arrested two citizens of this state, involved in the organization of the smuggling channel.

Rostov court asked to enter a position and to release pregnant from jail

Rostov court asked to enter a position and to release pregnant from jail On Tuesday, the Rostov regional court will decide on the measure of restraint for the accountant of the company “Alyans-agro” Anastasia Kamburova whose history has left on the Federal level. Woman accused of illegal cashing in of money funds and from February 16, kept in jail, despite the pregnancy, serious health problems and the need to care for seven-year-old daughter. Lawyers consider that the consequence of forcing her to testify against brother — passing on the same case, businessman Alexey Kuznetsov. The interior Ministry called the arrest is lawful, indicating that neither the pregnancy nor the presence of a minor child is not an obstacle to detention in prison. Rostov regional court will consider the defense motion Anastasia Kamburova who is charged under part 2 of article 187 of the criminal code (illegal turnover of funds and

Argentine media: Pure cocaine carried to Moscow a friend of the Ambassador

Argentine media: Pure cocaine carried to Moscow a friend of the Ambassador Journalists argue that the criminal group consisted of at least six people. 6фотографий6фотографий The cocaine, which was discovered in 12 suitcases in school at the Russian Embassy in Argentina, was a very high degree of purity. Local investigative authorities believe that the drug involved six people, and in a criminal group consisted of one of the employees of the Russian Embassy. The Argentine newspaper Clarin, citing Minister of national security Bullrich Patricia argues that the shipment of cocaine to Moscow by diplomatic pouch was engaged accountant Ali Aslanov. His two accomplices detained in Moscow when receiving the goods. The organizer of the scheme in Argentina is called “the Gentleman”. Under this pseudonym hides a businessman Andrei Kovalchuk, engaged in trade by alcohol, caviar, coffee and cigars, in mass media. “Mr. K” is wanted and may be hiding in

Source: detained in Thailand the “sex guru” trying to make bail

Source: detained in Thailand the “sex guru” trying to make bail “Sex guru” Alex Leslie (Alexander Kirillov) and his student Anastasia Fish (Anastasia Vashkevich), and another eight people were detained in the Thai Pattaya police for conducting illegal “sex-training”, attempting to free himself on bail, reported RIA Novosti a source in the police of Pattaya. “The detainees asked today about the possibility of temporary release on bail to court. The question is still under consideration,” — said the Agency interlocutor. The Thai law may be released on bail at the time of the police inquiry, then at the time of investigation, before the court. According to the source, the investigation can last up to two months or more, then the fate of the detainees the court will decide. Charged with illegally working in Thailand, which is against all 10 defendants in the case, they face up to two years in

The investigation is looking for other persons involved in the “cocaine case”

The investigation is looking for other persons involved in the “cocaine case” The investigation is looking for other members of the criminal group who tried to bring in Russia, cocaine from Argentina, said the decision of Moscow city court has left under arrest of three persons. The decision to arrest the three defendants was handed down on 13 December last year, but journalists became known about it only now, soon after the Russian and Argentine authorities were told about this major operation. The three men appealed the court’s decision, but the appellate panel left him in power. As stated in the reasoning part of the judgment, the accused Vladimir Kalmykov “from the moment of detention assists the investigation, gives truthful, consistent testimony of pressure on witnesses was not provided”. Its protection believes that “his actions are no elements of crimes”. The defendants said in court, charged with attempted trafficking and

In Moscow, arrested three people for “cocaine case”

In Moscow, arrested three people for “cocaine case” The Tver court of Moscow arrested three people on charges of trying to smuggle drugs out of Argentina, told RIA Novosti press-service of the court. The decision handed down on 13 December last year, but journalists became known about it only now. The arrest of the defendants in the case was extended until April. Vladimir Kalmykov, Istimara Khudzhamov and Ali Ablanovo was charged with attempted trafficking and drug smuggling. They face long prison terms. As the Minister of security of Argentina Patricia Bullrich, the intelligence services of both countries managed to stop the delivery to Moscow of 389 kilograms of cocaine. In Argentina arrested several people, including members of the local police and a native of Russia. Bags of drugs found in the territory of the Russian Embassy. At the same time of the discovery police reported themselves diplomats. During the RAID,

Posted a video of the detention of “sex instructors” from Russia to Thailand

Posted a video of the detention of “sex instructors” from Russia to Thailand The Nation channel has posted a video of the detention of the Russian participants of “sex-training” in a resort area of Thailand — Pattaya. Ten Russians accused of illegal entry into the country, the presence there of after the expiry of visas and work without official permission. Among the detainees — Alexander Kirillov and Anastasia Vashkevich, better known under the alias Alex Leslie and Anastasia Rybka. During the download an error has occurred. Illegal “sex training” It is reported that all ten detainees were at the training as “teachers” of seduction and sexual techniques. “Listeners” training was released after questioning. They said that the master class was paid, and each of them paid a “sex-guru” on 20 thousand Thai baht (about $ 650) for five days. A source in the police of Pattaya said that the training

Fake quotes are gone 400 million rubles

Fake quotes are gone 400 million rubles The court directed the criminal case of embezzlement in the construction of the Vostochny space centre. The former head of the Federal Autonomous institution “Federal center of pricing in construction and industry of building materials” (FAA FCCS) Evgeny Ermolaev, acting Director of the FSUE “GOOSSEN Dalspetsstroy at Spetsstroy Russia” Andrey Zakharov, Director General, OOO “TSNIIMTSEN and Gosnormativ” Shugaeva Olga and Sergey Polivanov accused of embezzlement and legalization of illicit arguments. According to investigators, they all participated in the embezzlement of funds of the listed contractors for allegedly performed works on defining the standards for budgeting for the construction of the spaceport. The damage from the actions of the defendants in the investigation evaluates more than 400 million rubles. “The defendants in the criminal case involved in the theft by embezzlement of funds of the FSUE “GU SDA under Spetsstroy of Russia” and FSUE

The Creator of the cryptocurrency PRIZM robbed in Moscow for 300 bitcoins

The Creator of the cryptocurrency PRIZM robbed in Moscow for 300 bitcoins It is reported that before releasing his victim, the perpetrators forced him to drink some kind of pill, drinking a vodka. The founder of “the Network” and developer of cryptocurrency PRIZM Yuri Mayorov unknown robbed of 20 thousand dollars. In addition, the criminals stole his laptop and with a virtual merchant account stole about 300 bitcoins (nearly 160 million). Their victim, the robbers also forced to take some kind of pill and drink it with vodka. Information about the robbery of the businessman confirmed in the Metropolitan police, said the Agency “Moscow”. The robbery occurred on the night of February 23 in the North-West of the capital near the metro station “Strogino. “Developer for some time drove around the city and landed in the street Borisovsky Ponds. The attackers fled,” — said a police source. He majors claims

The verdict in the case of the East: the real terms and billions of dollars in payments

The verdict in the case of the East: the real terms and billions of dollars in payments Far East district military court in Khabarovsk on Monday sentenced the participants in the case of abuse during the construction of the Vostochny space centre — they got from 5.5 to 12 years in prison and fines of up to 1.5 million rubles. With two members of the court ruled in favor of Roscosmos 5.1 billion rubles. Lawyers condemned have declared the unreasonableness of the verdict and intends to appeal. Among the prisoners is the former head of “Dalspetsstroy” (now GVSU No. 6) Yuri chrisman, his son — entrepreneur Michael Chrisman, chief accountant of “Dalspetsstroy” Vladimir Ashikhmin and former speaker of the Khabarovsk regional Duma Viktor Chudov. The trial began in may 2016 and was held behind closed doors, as the materials before the court were a state secret. Monday, 26 February, the