Media: a fire in a warehouse in Kharkov started due to hitting the tank on the explosives

Media: a fire in a warehouse in Kharkov started due to hitting the tank on the explosives KIEV, may 3 — RIA Novosti. A fire and series of explosions at an ammunition depot in Balakleya in Kharkiv region provoked the fire hitting the tank with an explosive device, reported on Thursday a source in the Ministry of defense of Ukraine TV channel “112 Ukraine”. Earlier in regional management of the state service for emergency situations, RIA Novosti reported that the ammunition warehouse in Balakleya fire occurred. This information was confirmed by the General staff of the armed forces of Ukraine, noting that it began with ignition of dry grass. “According to the source, during the execution of technical works fire tank ran over an unknown explosive device explosion and fire, which in turn caused a series of explosions of ammunition,” — said the TV channel. The head of Department on

Military expert commented on the collapse of the su-30CM in Syria

Military expert commented on the collapse of the su-30CM in Syria MOSCOW, may 3 — RIA Novosti. If the aircraft engines are “stood up” after being hit by birds, pilots need to eject — why did the pilots crashed in Syrian fighter su-30CM, to find out a special Commission. About it RIA Novosti said on Thursday former Deputy chief of the Russian air force, Colonel-General Nikolai Antoshkin. “Such cases are rare, usually pilots of the birds you see. According to the rules of control of the aircraft if the engines still “stood up”, then you need to eject. I don’t know why the pilots in this case did not do, on these aircraft (su-30), even from the ground to eject. It must find out a special Commission”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Speaking about ways to avoid getting foreign objects in the power plant of the aircraft, the General said

Multi-purpose fighter su-30. Dossier

Multi-purpose fighter su-30. Dossier TASS-FILE. On may 3, 2018, the defense Ministry said the su-30CM Air and space forces (VKS) Russia during climb after takeoff from the airfield Hamim (Syria) crashed over the Mediterranean sea. According to the Russian military, both pilots were killed. According to preliminary data, the cause of the accident could be getting into the engine birds. This is the first lost su-30 the Russian space forces. Basic information Su-30 (NATO — Flanker-C) Russian heavy twin multi-purpose fighter. Developed in OKB “Dry” at the end of 1980-ies on the training version of the su-27UB. Designed to control group fighting fighters su-27, with the task of gaining dominance in the air, cover ground troops and objects, destruction of landing, as well as to conduct aerial reconnaissance and destruction of ground or surface targets. From the basic aircraft it is notable for the extended range of weapons, upgraded equipment,

In Syria, a Russian fighter jet crashed, both pilots died

In Syria, a Russian fighter jet crashed, both pilots died MOSCOW, may 3 — RIA Novosti. In Syria, crashed Russian fighter su-30CM, said the Ministry of defence. fall of a #Russian plane in the sea off the port city of #Jabla in #Syria — MOHAMMED GHORAB (@MGhorab3) 3 may 2018. “Both the pilot, to the last minute fighting for the plane, according to the report, were killed,” — said the Agency. The accident occurred at about 9:45 GMT over the Mediterranean sea as the fighter gained altitude after takeoff from the airfield Hamim. According to preliminary data, the fire on the plane was not open — in the car engine could get a bird. The last major accident of the Russian plane in Syria occurred in March. Then, when landing on the airfield Hamim crashed An-26 transport. On Board were 33 passengers and six crew members, they all died.

Media: about 30 people were injured in an explosion in North London

Media: about 30 people were injured in an explosion in North London One of the preliminary versions, exploded mobile phone batteries that members of the Jewish holiday Lag BA-Omer thrown into the fire. TASS, 3 may. About 30 people were injured in an explosion in North London. About this newspaper the Daily Express. According to her, the explosion occurred in the district Stamfod hill, where a crowd of people celebrating the Jewish holiday Lag BA-Omer. According to tradition, during this holiday bonfires. One of the preliminary version, the cause of the explosion was careless handling of fuel, which is used to start a fire. According to another version, exploded mobile phone batteries, which are some of the festival were thrown into the fire. Daily Express said that ten people were taken to hospital. About 20 people were injured, but they did not require hospitalization. The police of district of Hackney

All nine crew members crashed in Georgia of the plane were killed

All nine crew members crashed in Georgia of the plane were killed Moscow. May 3. INTERFAX.RU — up To nine people has increased the number of victims in Georgia, killing all who were aboard a military C-130 aircraft, according to Wednesday reports Fox News. The aircraft, assigned to the National guard of Puerto Rico, was heading from Savannah international airport in Arizona. It caught fire shortly after takeoff and fell on the highway. The police say that only a miracle none of the drivers were not injured. Roads and rail tracks at the crash site are closed. The cause of the accident is still unknown. The representative of the National guard of Puerto Rico said that the plane was more than 60 years, he did his last training flight. A crew of five…two didn’t make it. — WTOC Jamie Ertle (@wtocjamie) 2 may 2018. We now know nine

“Primorsky partisans” got eight to 25 years in prison

“Primorsky partisans” got eight to 25 years in prison Moscow. May 3. INTERFAX.RU — Primorsky regional court on Thursday on the basis of accusatory verdict of the jury sentenced the gang members of the so-called “seaside guerrillas” to prison terms ranging from 8 to 25 years in strict regime colony, the correspondent of Agency “Interfax” from the courtroom. The court appointed Alexander Kovtun and Vladimir Ilyutikova a sentence of 25 years imprisonment, Maxim Kirillov — 21.5 year, Alexei Nikitin -23,5 year, Vadim Kovtun to eight years of imprisonment. In addition, the court decided to satisfy the civil claims of the victims. It was reported that a jury on April 10 issued a guilty verdict in the case of the so-called “seaside guerrillas” that the third time is considered in the Primorsky regional court in Vladivostok. The jury found proven the involvement of the accused to the murder of four inhabitants

Five people were killed in the crash of a military plane in Georgia

Five people were killed in the crash of a military plane in Georgia The aircraft fell shortly after taking off from Savannah international airport on the side of the highway. Moscow. May 2. INTERFAX.RU — a Military transport plane C-130 crashed near the airport in Georgia, at least five people were killed, according to Wednesday reports Fox News. All, according to unconfirmed reports, on Board were nine people. The aircraft of the air National guard of the United States caught fire almost immediately after departure from the international Savannah international airport, falls from the sky, gaining altitude. He was performing a training flight. We now know nine crew members were on board; still 2 confirmed dead. #C130 #C130crash @AirNatlGuard — WTOC Jamie Ertle (@wtocjamie) 2 may 2018. In the area of the disaster blocked roads and rail links; the witnesses thought that the ship could fall on the

Basque group ETA announced the complete dissolution

Basque group ETA announced the complete dissolution MOSCOW, may 2 — RIA Novosti. The terrorist organization announced the dissolution of its structures and a complete cessation of activities, the letter said Basque separatists, the text of which was published in the newspaper Diario. “THIS made the decision to complete the historical cycle and its activities, putting an end to its existence. In this regard, THIS fully disbanded its structure, stopping any political activity,” — said in a letter dated April 16. The message said that the decision stemmed from the strategic course for change adopted by the supporters of Basque separatism. “So… THIS completed a process initiated in 2010 to start a new political cycle in the land of the Basques,” wrote representatives of the organization. The terrorist group ETA (Euzkadi Ta Azkatasuna, the Basque language means “homeland and freedom”) was founded on 31 July 1959. Its victims for all

In Saratov the schoolgirl was detained because of a fight.

In Saratov the schoolgirl was detained because of a fight. SARATOV, may 2 — RIA Novosti. Police in Saratov opened a criminal case against 16-year-old schoolgirl who is suspected of beating a 15-year-old student, said Wednesday the press service of the regional interior Ministry cupola. According to the cupola, the mother of the youngest of the Schoolgirls on Tuesday contacted the police stating that her daughter, a student in the seventh grade, the house 2 along the street Barnaul in Factory area of the city was beaten by 16-year-old schoolgirl. “The employee of division on Affairs of minors school girl arrested, obliged to turnout. The decision — (instituted) the criminal case under article “Deliberate causing of a little harm to health”, — is spoken in the message. The defendant in the case faces up to four months in jail.