The Cuban leader said about the many victims of plane crash near Havana

The Cuban leader said about the many victims of plane crash near Havana Moscow. May 18. INTERFAX.RU the Leader of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Kanel ‘ said Friday that the crash of a passenger plane near Havana, probably, has led to “large numbers of casualties”. The President’s words lead Latin American media. Diaz-Kanel ‘ is currently at the airport of the Cuban capital. Earlier it was reported that the passenger plane Boeing 737 crashed shortly after taking off from international airport josé martí. According to Cuban state television, the plane carried out internal flight to Holguin, on Board were 104 passengers. According to others, on Board the aircraft could be 107 people, including crew members. Cuban authorities have not yet called the number of passengers and crew. Earlier, CNN, citing sources claimed that the flight of the Cuban airline “Cubana de aviation” was heading to Guyana. Boeing 737 seats from 126 to

In Cuba passenger plane crashed

In Cuba passenger plane crashed In Cuba immediately after takeoff from the airport in Havana crashed passenger plane Boeing 737. About it reports Reuters. Mirror, citing local press reports that onboard the liner there were 107 passengers. #airplanecrash near #Havana #Cuba Jose Marti Airport right now ? — Teacher From PR ?? (@MaestroDEPR) May 18, 2018 According to CNN, the plane belongs to the Cuban airline Cubana de Aviacion, he was headed to Guyana, a country on the northeastern coast of South America. #Urgente: Un avión de Cubana de Aviación cae en el aeropuerto José Martí. En toda La Habana se escuchan las sirenas de los bomberos. Los medios oficiales confirman el accidente aéreo y dicen que las fuerzas de salvamento se dirigen hacia Liberia — Mario J. Pentón (@mariojose_cuba) May 18, 2018 In turn, the Agency EFE said on Twitter that the plane crashed and caught

When shooting at the school of Texas 10 people were killed

When shooting at the school of Texas 10 people were killed Moscow. May 18. INTERFAX.RU — At least ten people could have been killed after unidentified persons opened fire at a school North of Houston, Texas, reports on Friday the Agency Associated Press (AP), citing the local Sheriff. According to the Agency, most of the victims are students. Previously reported eight victims. Several people were injured. Meanwhile, American media reported that police found in the school device, like a bomb. “At the moment law enforcement authorities are working to neutralize them. The school was evacuated,” — leads edition the words of the representative of the administration of the school district. On suspicion of committing the attack was arrested two people. The detainees probably are also students at the school. The scene is surrounded by police. About the shooting at the school in Santa Fe previously reported by CNN.

Breakthrough of the dam in Colombia caught on video

Breakthrough of the dam in Colombia caught on video MOSCOW, may 18 — RIA Novosti. Breakthrough of the dam in Colombia caused by errors in the construction of hydroelectric power was on video. The video shows how people run away from the powerful stream of water that came through the tunnel. According to local media, tens of thousands of people had to be evacuated after the Cauca river broke through the drainage tunnel. About 600 people lost their homes, were also destroyed two bridges, two schools and a hospital. During the download an error has occurred. On Wednesday, local authorities announced the evacuation of eight municipalities, fearing new floods, which might suffer hundreds of thousands of people. The Governor of Antioquia, on Monday described the situation as “a national disaster”.

Media: at least eight students died in the shooting at a school in Texas

Media: at least eight students died in the shooting at a school in Texas TASS, may 18. The victims of the shooting at the school in Texas were at least eight pupils, there are also victims. This was reported on Friday with reference to sources on Twitter, local TV channel KHOU 11. Earlier in Twitter, the press service of the Sheriff of Harris County (Texas) noted that the victims were a few people. “We assist the police of the city of Santa Fe in connection with the shooting incident at a local school, which killed several people,” — said in the message. In the office of the Sheriff noted that “victim assistance”, but the number of victims is not named. Previously, the newspaper the Houston Chronicle reported that the gunman was arrested. About the motives of his action are not yet known. As reported earlier on Friday, broadcaster CNN, an

The court arrested for two months, former Deputy Medina

The court arrested for two months, former Deputy Medina Basmanny court of Moscow arrested for two months the former Deputy Minister of culture Gregory Pirumov on the case of embezzlement of funds allocated for the construction of a complex of buildings “the State Hermitage”. It is reported by RIA Novosti. The investigator in the course of the meeting clarified that Pirumova not charged with embezzlement and appropriation of public funds, the prosecution says only fraud. “The investigation does not require Pirumova embezzlement and misappropriation of budget funds, which he is not disposed. The prosecution speaks only of fraud, which does not need to have special powers,” — said the representative of the investigation. Before the announcement Pirumova became ill, and in court the ambulance arrived. After the doctors provided assistance to the former official, the meeting continued. “The petition of the investigator to meet, to elect against the accused Pirumova

Russian policeman forced the disabled to run the car on a rope

Russian policeman forced the disabled to run the car on a rope In Tatarstan the drunk inspector of traffic police was beaten, kidnapped, and forced the man, who recently had surgery on my spine, running over his SUV on the rope, that he paid him 15 thousand rubles, according to the website of the regional Department of the Russian Investigative Committee Friday, may 18. Police fired and along with helping him familiar was taken into custody. The case is being investigated under two articles UK: “Kidnapping” and “Extortion”. 28 APR near night club “Pulse” in the town of Buinsk, the 27-year-old policeman along with 38-year-old friend, a businessman stuck to a passing institution 29-year-old man — the invalid of the third group, said investigators “Evening Kazan”. The reason for the complaints was “underworld gait” of the victim. The man said that this is a consequence of the performed operation, however

A tourist fell off a 40-meter cliff in Australia, trying to make selfi

A tourist fell off a 40-meter cliff in Australia, trying to make selfi Moscow. May 18. INTERFAX.RU Tourist killed, torn from a 40-meter cliff in Western Australia while trying to take a selfie, said on Friday local resource 9News. “Tourist crashed on the rocks after he fell from a height and flew at least 40 meters. Rescuers pulled out of the sea his body,” — said in the message. According to media reports, the young man in the company of eight friends traveled from Perth, about 415 km to visit a popular tourist attraction in Western Australia — rock Gap (The Gap). “The tourist has gone beyond the observation deck on a rock to take a selfie. Friends said he was very careful, but I slipped,” reports 9News. According to the publication, over the past 45 years on the rock were recorded at least seven deaths.

SK filed a second case because of the call to blow up the Crimean bridge

SK filed a second case because of the call to blow up the Crimean bridge MOSCOW, may 18 — RIA Novosti. The investigative Committee opened a case against the editor of the Washington Examiner, which on Tuesday published an article “Ukraine needs to blow up Putin’s Crimean bridge.” This was reported by the official representative of Department Svetlana Petrenko. Hugo Gurdon is blamed that he agreed and posted provocative material. The case against the author of the scandalous publication of Tom Rogan SC started on Thursday. According to investigators, in the article “seen signs of public calls to terrorist activities on the territory of the Russian Federation”. The comprehensive psycho-linguistic examination. There are investigative actions to establish all the circumstances of the crime. Called for in article Tom Rogan called the bridge “an outrageous affront to the very essence of Ukraine as a state.” “Fortunately, the Ukrainian air force could

The interior Ministry of France said that he had prevented a terrorist attack in the country

The interior Ministry of France said that he had prevented a terrorist attack in the country French police detained two brothers of the Egyptians, who, according to her, was preparing a terrorist attack using poison or explosives. This TV channel BFM on 16 may told the interior Minister of France Gerard Collon. According to Collon, the brothers found benefits for the production of “poison on the basis of ricin”. The Minister said that the detainees used the Telegram messenger. Collon did not specify whether it is known where the brothers wanted to organize a terrorist attack. The columns also did not say when they were detained. Ricin is a toxin of plant origin, which is derived from castor beans. . The substance is often used as chemical weapons. For example, in 1978, ricin was used in the murder of Bulgarian dissident Gregory Markov. The assassin was never found, stung Markov