Lawyer convicted of espionage Ukrainian Sushchenko appealed the verdict

Lawyer convicted of espionage Ukrainian Sushchenko appealed the verdict Moscow. June 5. INTERFAX.RU — the verdict of the Ukrainian journalist Roman Sushchenko, sentenced to 12 years in a penal colony for espionage in Russia, appealed, said Tuesday “Interfax” his lawyer mark Feigin. “Today we have filed an appeal in the Supreme court of Russia through the Moscow city court to sentence Roman Sushchenko,” — said Feigin. According to him, he Sushchenko has also filed an appeal against the sentence. “The Fact Sushchenko” About the detention Sushchenko at allegedly “conducting espionage action” in Moscow it became known in October 2016. He was charged with espionage, the court sanctioned his arrest. Lawyer Feygin in the process, claimed that Sushchenko, who was the Paris correspondent of the Agency “UKRINFORM”, in Russia during the detention was for personal reasons — he visited relatives. On the eve of the Moscow city court sentenced him to

The interior Ministry of Russia took $2 million

The interior Ministry of Russia took $2 million Detained Colonel, is trying to buy the position of head of the interior Ministry of Dagestan. As it became known “Kommersant”, investigators of the Central apparatus of the FSB detained in Moscow chief of “bezopasnik” Ministry of internal Affairs of Dagestan the Colonel Magomed Hizriev. He is suspected of attempt through a chain of intermediaries to pay bribes of $2 million for his appointment to head the interior Ministry. Acting head of the Department Abdurashid Magomedov 61. Just today, Vladimir Putin officially extended his contract for another year. According to interlocutors “” in law enforcement, the detention of Magomed Hizriev occurred on the afternoon of June 5 in one of the buildings, Goosby Ministry of internal Affairs in Moscow. No need to capture the power was not. The FSB operatives went to the Colonel, when he alone wrote in one of the

The area of the fire in the shopping center Kazan has grown 10 times

The area of the fire in the shopping center Kazan has grown 10 times Moscow. June 5. INTERFAX.RU — the fire Area in the shopping center “Port” in Kazan has increased from 20 to 200 square meters, told journalists the head a press-services GU of EMERCOM of Russia across Tatarstan Andrey Rodygin. “The block “B” is illuminated in the area of 200 square meters on the ground floor. Open burning is not, is corruption,” he said. Earlier it was reported about the increase in the area of fire from 20 to 60 square meters. Publication of ♊ ?????? . (@kirillkzn) 5 Jun 2018 2:16 PDT During the download an error has occurred. To eliminate the consequences of the incident attracted 319, 74 pieces of equipment, including from EMERCOM — 135 people and 36 units. The situation is complicated by the fact that the area in which is located the shopping

The court will decide the fate of $2 million in cash in the case of the speaker at the end of June

The court will decide the fate of $2 million in cash in the case of the speaker at the end of June The Zamoskvoretsky court of Moscow at session on June 29 will decide the fate of the $2 million that the CEO of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin during the operational experiment gave at that time the Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev as a bribe. This was reported by “Interfax” press Secretary of the court Emilia Gil. The Zamoskvoretsky court of Moscow at session on June 29 will decide the fate of the $2 million that the CEO of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin during the operational experiment gave at that time the Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev as a bribe. This was reported by “Interfax” press Secretary of the court Emilia Gil. In addition, the court received the petition of protection ex-the Minister on removal of arrest from its property

The area of the fire in the shopping center Kazan has grown

The area of the fire in the shopping center Kazan has grown Moscow. June 5. INTERFAX.RU — the fire Area in the shopping center “Port” in Kazan has increased from 20 to 60 square meters, the press service of EMERCOM of Russia in Tatarstan on Tuesday. “To eliminate the consequences of the incident attracted: 319, 74 pieces of equipment, including from EMERCOM of Russia, 135, 36 units,” — said in a press release. The situation is complicated by the fact that the area is dry. Water utility drives appliances. Publication from ❤ Tatar news Matbugat ❤ (@matbugat) 4 Jun 2018 11:30 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The environment on the fire place monitors mobile laboratory of the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of the Republic. Publication of Asya and Kamil (@asya_a1990) 5 Jun 2018 at 1:16 am PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication

The death toll in the eruption of a volcano in Guatemala has reached 69 people

The death toll in the eruption of a volcano in Guatemala has reached 69 people MEXICO city, 5 Jan — RIA Novosti. The death toll in the eruption of the volcano Fuego in Guatemala has reached 69 people, said on Monday evening the national Institute of forensic Sciences of the Central American country. Volcanic eruption rocks #Guatemala; fine ash from the volcano is blanketing nearby towns — China Xinhua News (@XHNews) June 3, 2018. Earlier it was reported about 65 dead. According to the Institute, were received from 69 bodies using fingerprints and physical characteristics, only 17 so far identified. The most — more than 60 people were killed in the Department of Escuintla. Another nine were victims of the disaster in the Department of Sacatepéquez. The Institute also reports that it has mobilized two mobile mortuary and freezer for storage of bodies in the Department of Escuintla. Also

The leader of the band “Degree” got in an accident

The leader of the band “Degree” got in an accident Frontman of the band “Degrees” Roman Pashkov had an accident before flying to Turkey, where he was to undergo the concerts. About it the actor said in the Instagram. Pashkov was in an accident in a taxi on the way to the airport. The singer has published in social networks photos of the wrecked car and pictures, which he bandaged head and hand. Publication of Roman Pashkov #C (@pashock_official) 4 Jun 2018 at 7:39 PDT During the download an error has occurred. “I’m all right. In principle, it was easier than I thought. Lost his favorite part of his hair. In short, small things”, — wrote the artist. According to concert Director “Degrees” Dmitry Yemelyanov, car and Baskovym inside “on an empty road flew under the truck, which was standing on the emergency lights.” The band apologized for the cancellation

Ukrainians condemned in the United States for the export of technology to Russia

Ukrainians condemned in the United States for the export of technology to Russia A native of Ukraine with American citizenship Vitalij, Vladimir, was sentenced to 26 months in prison for illegal export of dual-use technologies to Russia. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the Ministry of justice. The convict pleaded guilty in court. According to the documents, in 2013, he negotiated with clients from Russia, which will send them from USA samples of night vision devices, including rifles, parts and ammunition. Money for equipment Nevidomy received through the Chinese and Latvian banks. He sent the goods to Russia and failed to mention their real affiliation. One of the parcels detained at a U.S. customs and Ukrainians was arrested. It is noted that the technique had to obtain a license from the state Department.

The result pulls with whips

The result pulls with whips The police of Moscow has refused to the artist Alexander Ivanov, in the criminal case against attacked him in an inconsistent rally 5 may 2018 man in Cossack hat. Other victims that day from Cossack whips say the lack of investigation into their allegations. To the same point, the victims from the police. This was the reason for the complaints on the inaction of the authorities. The artist Alexander Ivanov filed a statement about the attack on him at a rally on may 5 the office of internal Affairs on TSAO Moscow. He said that filmed on the phone as people dressed in Cossack hats, beat the protesters, using whips. One of them asked: “who are You?” “I said, “I am a Muscovite, was born here, this is my city”. After that, immediately followed by a shot forehead across my face,” — says Mr. Ivanov.

The media reported on 62 of those killed in the eruption of the volcano in Guatemala

The media reported on 62 of those killed in the eruption of the volcano in Guatemala MEXICO city 4 Jun — RIA Novosti. Up to 62 people has increased the number of victims of the eruption of the volcano Fuego in Guatemala, said on Monday portal Publinews Guatemala, citing the national Institute of forensic medicine. Previously, the government reported the deaths of 33 people and wounding another 46.