Part of the Crimea remained without light

Part of the Crimea remained without light SEVASTOPOL, 13 Jun — RIA Novosti. The center of Sevastopol were left without electricity, reports RIA Novosti. The city banks are closed, the terminals, there is no electricity in shopping centers and private homes. Gas stations run on diesel generators, in private houses also heard the work of generators of low power. In addition, there are shortages of mobile communication. Call the company “Sevenergo” there is no way, disconnected telephone. Other comments not yet possible to get. Later the Agency reported that several areas of Simferopol remained without electricity, there are shortages of cellular communication. Experts of the Ministry of energy to investigate the cause of the outage. The blockade of the Peninsula Crimea was completely disconnected in the night of November 22, 2015. Because of the undermining has failed all four power lines coming from Ukraine. In the Crimea and Sevastopol was

Spoil the picture of Ilya Repin has left in jail

Spoil the picture of Ilya Repin has left in jail The Moscow city court rejected the appeal of lawyers that ask you to put the accused under house arrest. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The Moscow city court refused put under house arrest by the resident of the Voronezh region Igor podporin which has damaged a painting by Ilya Repin “Ivan the terrible and his son Ivan” in the Tretyakov gallery. About this Business FM said the press service of the court. “The decision of the Zamoskvoretsky court of the capital on the conclusion Podporina into custody upheld, and the appeal his lawyers — without satisfaction”, — said the representative of the court. According to her, the defenders of the defendant asked him to cancel and move Podporina under house arrest in the apartment of his brother in Maryino. May 29, the Zamoskvoretsky court of Moscow has concluded Podporina at the request of the

A hostage situation in Paris did not recognize the terrorist attacks

A hostage situation in Paris did not recognize the terrorist attacks 26-year-old native of Morocco sent in a psychiatric clinic. June 12, seized two hostages in the tenth arrondissement of Paris transferred to a psychiatric clinic. About it reports AFP with reference to sources in law enforcement bodies. 26-year-old native of Morocco last night arrested in the assault captured them advertising agencies Mixicom. Soon, however, the pre-trial detention regime abolished as a criminal, according to the interior Minister of France Gerard Collon, “mentally ill person”. The details of the incident says the correspondent of “Kommersant” in Paris Alexey Tarhanov. The message that in one of the Central districts of Paris in the North and East stations seized hostages was the main news yesterday in France. 12 June at 16 o’clock local time by unidentified food deliveryman entered the building on the street Petite-Ekyuri in the tenth district, where there are

Named numerous reasons for the mass poisoning of children in the Urals

Named numerous reasons for the mass poisoning of children in the Urals The administration of Rospotrebnadzor in the Sverdlovsk region reported the results of a completed investigation of an outbreak of intestinal infection in the camp in Kushva, where 64 people were poisoned, RIA “Novosti”. “The sources of infection among the catering staff (cook, cleaner dishes), the factors that influenced the occurrence of outbreaks. Revealed numerous violations of anti-epidemic regime by the personnel of the nutrition unit: violations of the rules of handling kitchen utensil, violations of the disinfection mode, violations of the threading movement of raw materials and finished products, infringement of rules of personal hygiene of staff, the actual menu did not match sample menu”, — reported in Department. The Department also noted that the work camps will be resumed under special control of the CPS after the removal of all violations.

Vystrelivshey in person while dancing FBI agent indicted

Vystrelivshey in person while dancing FBI agent indicted MOSCOW, 13 Jun — RIA Novosti. FBI agent chase Bishop, accidentally started a fire in the club during the dance, charged with assault, reports ABC TV channel with reference to the district attorney of Denver Beth McCann. As reports TV channel, Bishop turned himself in to police on Tuesday. He was charged with assault second degree. However, according to McCann, even before receiving test results for alcohol in the blood of the agent may be facing new charges. “We do not expect the results of the analysis of alcohol content in the blood, which, we understand, may take another week, and the allegations now presented as sufficient evidence. If, after receiving new evidence will require additional charges, we will be able to nominate them,” said McCann. According to the channel, on Wednesday, the Bishop must appear at court for arraignment. Earlier it

SK detained the owner of the boatyard, allowed to leave the catamaran in the waters of the Volga

SK detained the owner of the boatyard, allowed to leave the catamaran in the waters of the Volga VOLGOGRAD, June 12. /TASS/ — the Investigators also carried out searches in the house of the captain of the small vessel. Employees of southern investigatory management on transport of Investigatory Committee of Russia detained the owner of the boat station, which does not prevent the escape into the waters of the Volga river collided with a barge catamaran. This was reported by TASS in the press-service of management. “Currently, investigators arrested the owner of the boathouse, where he stood and left the catamaran,” noted the press service. According to investigators, 47-year-old General Director of OOO “Marina” has not taken any action to prevent this small vessel into the waters of the Volga river. In addition, investigators conducted a search warrant at the home of skipper and other investigative actions directed on establishment

Captured in Paris, hostages freed after storming

Captured in Paris, hostages freed after storming PARIS, June 12 — RIA Novosti, Victoria Ivanova. The police freed the captured in Paris hostages and arrested the attacker, said on Tuesday the interior Minister of France Gerard Collon. Earlier it became known that a man took hostage two people in Northern Paris, including a pregnant woman. The attacker claimed that he had a gun. In addition, the man required to link it with the Iranian Embassy. After a few hours law enforcement officers stormed the building. Paris : la prise d otages rue des Petites écuries l auteur est terminée a été interpellé, les otages sont saufs — France Bleu (@francebleu) 12 Jun 2018 It is unknown what prompted the invaders to such a deed.

In Paris, the unknown took hostages

In Paris, the unknown took hostages PARIS, June 12. /TASS/. Hostage-taking committed by unknown on Tuesday in the French capital. This was announced by the Prefecture of police. According to her, launched a special operation. In the town heard sirens of police cars. As reported by the TV channel BFM, seized several people the man wants a meeting with the Ambassador of Iran in France. It is reported that we are not talking about the attack. Street petite, ekyuri in the 10th arrondissement of Paris closed, police operation underway. In addition to the riot police arrived and firefighters. The exact number of hostages is unknown. The man, whom police were able to establish a connection, asserts that captured the three people. According to the channel СNEWS, one of them seriously wounded in the head. The operation was conducted spetsbrigada to combat organized crime, not a special unit to combat terrorism.

The captain of the catamaran was accused of collision with a barge on the Volga

The captain of the catamaran was accused of collision with a barge on the Volga According to preliminary data, the collision of a catamaran with a barge on the Volga led the actions of the captain of the passenger water transport. This was reported on the website of the Investigative Committee. According to investigators, the captain of the catamaran Dmitry Hachalav ignored the lights and audible warning signals coming from the barge. Earlier also it became known that Hachalav was in a state of alcoholic intoxication. “Currently, investigators continue to work with victims and witnesses, the incident passengers of the barge with which the collision occurred. Being interrogated,” the statement reads. Further investigation of the criminal case is under review in the Central office of the Investigative Committee of Russia. The captain of the catamaran, the former head of kalachevsky district of the Volgograd region Dmitry Hachalav, in 2009 was

Holiday shores has not seen

Holiday shores has not seen Of EMERCOM in the Volgograd region completed the search and rescue operation at the crash site of the catamaran “Elan-12”, on Board of which there were 16 people, 11 of them died. The incident occurred in the Central district of Volgograd on the evening of 11 June, when the ship struck the barge followed the tug “Captain Vecherkin”. Rescuers lifted from the bottom of the Volga river sank the ship in which he discovered the body all night missing women. Southern investigatory management on transport of Investigatory Committee of Russia (TFR) is investigating the case on the fact of violation of safety rules of movement of water transport, entailed on imprudence death of two and more persons (part 3 of article 263 of the criminal code). Clash of the catamaran with one of the two barges, followed by dry-cargo ship “Captain Vecherkin” took place in