The Pentagon is afraid of revenge “Islamic state”

The Pentagon is afraid of revenge “Islamic state” The military predict the negative consequences of the withdrawal of US troops from Syria. Without pressure from the United States and its allies, the terrorists of the “Islamic state” (IG; organization banned in Russia) in less than a year can regain its lost positions in Syria. This follows from the Pentagon report, to be submitted next week. About the dangers of the planned withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria and have warned members of Congress: senators supported an amendment to the bill on the country’s politics in the middle East, cautionary from the reduction of troops. However, it is Advisory in nature. A US President Donald trump has made it clear that to change course is not going to. “I would say that more than 99.5% of the territories controlled by the Islamic state, returned to the Syrians. And in the coming

In Arshakovich has a new helper

In Arshakovich has a new helper The investigative Committee (SK) Russia to interview the Executive Director of the company “Essentials” Alan Kyatova in the investigation of the criminal case on the theft of natural gas from “Gazprom” for the sum more than 30 billion rubles, said the official representative of SK Svetlana Petrenko. “The investigative Committee of the Russian Federation carry out investigative actions with the Executive Director of JSC “Essentials” Alan Ketuvim. At the end of his interrogation, the investigators will go to court with the petition for election measures of restraint in form of detention,” — said Petrenko, whose words are contained in the message Department. Currently, among the arrested defendants in the case — a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation of Karachay-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov, his father Raul Arashukov, Ruslan Arashukov, Guzer Khashukaev, Nikolay Romanov and Igor Travinov. According to Petrenko, investigators together with

The Russian actress was arrested in new York on suspicion of child abduction

The Russian actress was arrested in new York on suspicion of child abduction Russian theater and film actress Irina Usok were detained by police at the airport in new York, USA. The reason for the detention could be a conflict in the family, told the TV channel “Star” colleague artist Denis Mulyar. “She gave birth not so long ago. Maybe that’s where my husband and some strange float. She came here with a child, everything was fine. Then she probably went there, something happened, maybe. Her husband is kind of American, as far as I know,” said Denis Mulyar of the theater “Commonwealth Taganka Actors”, which worked Usok. It is noted that the 42-year-old actress is suspected of child abduction. Law enforcement officers placed a Piece in isolation. Irina Usok starred in the films “Mother, do not cry!” and “Solosky” and in such series as “Dasha Vasileva. A lover of

Left the top: why the killing of a tourist group Dyatlov

Left the top: why the killing of a tourist group Dyatlov February 2, 1959 on one of the passes of the Northern Ural mountains under mysterious circumstances killed a tourist a group of Igor Dyatlov. TASS talks about the timeline of the campaign and the likely causes of the tragedy. History campaign In the tourist group consisted of ten people. Of these, six were students at the Ural Polytechnic Institute (UPI, now Ural state technical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia): Lyudmila Dubinin, Yuri Doroshenko, Igor Dyatlov, Alexander Kolevatov, Zinaida Kolmogorov and Yuri Yudin; three were graduates of this University: Yuri krivonischenko, Rustem Slobodin, Nicholas Thibault-Brignoles. The group was attached to the instructor on tourism Alexander (real name is semen) Zolotarev. All participants had experience Hiking and was equipped with everything necessary. Led a group of student 5-year student of radio engineering faculty UPI Igor Dyatlov. It was planned that in January —

The GP will check the version of the death of tourists on the Dyatlov pass in 1959

The GP will check the version of the death of tourists on the Dyatlov pass in 1959 MOSCOW, 1 Feb — RIA Novosti. The public Prosecutor will check the most probable version of the cause of death group djatlova in the Northern Urals in 1959, told the official representative of Department Alexander Kurennoy on the channel “Live”. According to him, the Prosecutor’s office took up the case after 60 years because of the appeals of the relatives of the victims, the interest of the media and society. “There are about 75 versions of what happened put forward by experts and ordinary people”, — said the representative of the Prosecutor’s office. Kurennoy, stressed that only the Prosecutor’s office may conduct an audit after all these years — for all other departments that have expired time limits. Our colleagues proved that all the materials of the criminal case untrue… We of the

Extinguished both shopping centre in the Dagestan Kizlyar

Extinguished both shopping centre in the Dagestan Kizlyar Moscow. 1 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — a Fire at two shopping centres in Kizlyar (Dagestan) extinguished, have informed “Interfax” the head a press-services of the mayoralty Selenas Salikhov. “Shopping centers “planet Suite” and “the Union” burned down almost completely,” she said. The fire also severely damaged nearby shops, there is a strong smoke, said the Agency interlocutor. She added that the bus station and market are close by, working as normal. In Kizlyar, Dagestan, a fire destroyed the shopping centres “the planet Suite” and “Union”. Also damaged several nearby shops. For this moment the flame was extinguished. — Moscow 24 (@infomoscow24) February 1, 2019. On the scene are representatives of Prosecutor’s office, interior Ministry, the investigative Department of the MOE and other relevant agencies. As explained “Interfax” the press service of the emergencies Ministry, the fire area has exceeded 1.5 thousand sq.

A three-storey shopping Mall caught fire in Kizlyar

A three-storey shopping Mall caught fire in Kizlyar The fire engulfed the whole building, the fire area amounted to eight thousand square meters. A three-storey shopping center “planet Suite” on fire in Kizlyar of the Republic of Dagestan. In the city administration said that the flames engulfed the entire building. The fire might spread to neighboring buildings due to high building density in the Central part of the city, reports TASS with reference to the representative of the municipality. “Burning building three-storey shopping centre “the planet Suite”. The fire engulfed the whole building, — have told in city administration the Agency. — The building is mostly sold clothes, shoes. On the first floor was a grocery shops, cell phone stores”. “The building [the shopping center] is located near the Central bus station, Central market. Near — dozen shops. There is a risk that if not timely contained, the flames spread

The defense Ministry will pay for the artist

The defense Ministry will pay for the artist Satisfied with the first lawsuit in connection with the death of the Alexandrov ensemble in a plane crash. As it became known “Kommersant”, was the first lawsuit against the defense Ministry in connection with the accident in Sochi in 2016 EN route to Syria Tu-154. The plaintiff is the daughter of artist of the Academic song and dance ensemble of the Alexandrov Yuri Novokshanova demanded 500 thousand rubles from the ensemble to recognize the death of the artist a workplace accident, and the military, and in addition, expected to receive a monthly lifetime payment of $ 22 thousand rbl. the Court has estimated moral sufferings of the victim 150 thousand. Yesterday the Kemerovo regional court considered the appeal of the Frets Shulgina (before marriage Novokshanova) the decision of the Central district court of Novokuznetsk, last summer failed her in the recovery of

Disclosed details about the apartment of the head of “Gazprom” over a billion

Disclosed details about the apartment of the head of “Gazprom” over a billion Apartment with an area of 1396,3 square meter at Mytninskaya embankment, building 5, Litera A, St. Petersburg, really belongs to the head of the state company “Gazprom” Alexey Miller. “The” has been able to confirm this information, having received an extract from the Unified state register of real estate (egrn). According to information received, the apartments are obtained by combining six apartments per floor. In the course of construction in load-bearing walls was done doorways, living area — 874,2 square meters, and total area of terraces, loggias and balconies 81.6 square meters. From the balcony of the apartment overlooks one of the most popular St. Petersburg restaurants — “the flying Dutchman” (a large wooden sailing ship), and the Peter and Paul fortress. Judging by the statement at the end of construction works on the Union of

The court arrested the defendants in the case about the theft of gas to 30 billion rubles

The court arrested the defendants in the case about the theft of gas to 30 billion rubles Basmanny court of Moscow arrested until March 30, Advisor to the General Director “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz” Raul Arashukov the father of the Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov, on the eve of a prisoner in custody for two months, reports “Interfax”. Earlier the court arrested four of the defendants in the criminal case of theft of gas from “Gazprom” for a total sum more than 30 billion rubles. We are talking about the Director of the branch of OOO “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol” Guzer Hasukawa, the Director General of JSC “Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Astrakhan and OOO Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Astrakhan” Ruslan Arashukova, Deputy General Director of JSC “Gazprom gazoraspredeleniye Stavropol” Nicholas Romanov and General Director of OOO “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol” Igor Trainova. Against them investigated the case under article 210.3 of the criminal code (creation of criminal community