Witnesses: After the military parade in Kursk overturned tank T-34

Witnesses: After the military parade in Kursk overturned tank T-34 The tank fell from the platform for transportation. Upstairs Kuryane share photos of the debris on the side of the T-34. According to eyewitnesses, after the parade, the tank began to ship on the platform for transportation. Suddenly he fell off the platform and overturned on its side. In the incident on the road spilled fuel. The triumphs of the Kursk bulge. Why the German operation Citadel had failed? Ministry of defense published declassified documents by the anniversary of the battle of Kursk Working on-site fire brigade rescue. The emergency cordoned off. During the download an error has occurred. Recall, 23 August, the town celebrates the 75th anniversary of the battle of Kursk. In the morning at the arc de Triomphe military parade, which showcased the latest Russian equipment. In the region waiting for the arrival of the President. He

SK: Polish investigators will participate in the inspection units of the Tu-154 Kaczynski

SK: Polish investigators will participate in the inspection units of the Tu-154 Kaczynski MOSCOW, August 23. /TASS/. Polish investigators in early September, will take part in the inspection units, and other items crashed in 2010 near Smolensk Tu-154 Polish President Lech Kaczynski. Upstairs This was reported to journalists on Thursday the representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko. “The investigative Committee’s request [the Polish side of the conducting of procedural actions on the territory of the Russian Federation] is satisfied, and from 3 to 7 September 2018 it is planned to produce in the presence of Polish representatives additional inspection evidence — assemblies, components and structural elements of the aircraft Tu-154M stored in Smolensk,” she said. Inspection will be performed by investigators of Central office of SK with the participation of the employees of the Main Department of criminology with the necessary to commit its results,

Christ saved a couple of Novorossiysk, which is five days drifting at sea

Christ saved a couple of Novorossiysk, which is five days drifting at sea Captain named Christ rescued two residents of Novorossiysk, which five days spent in a rubber boat in the sea. Upstairs Young people August 8, in a rubber boat went fishing near the village Myskhako. They took two oars, tackle box, four fishing rods, a packet of seeds, a flashlight, a pair of shorts and some jewelry. When a storm picked up, their boat was carried away from the shore to the open sea. According to the woman, the night they tried to Shine a flashlight and waving clothes to attract attention. NewsWhere are the most unusual lighthouses in the world (photos) “A few days the boat was thrown from Novorossiysk to Gelendzhik, then Utrish and Taman, but not one passing vessel did not pay attention”, — quotes the victim “Our newspaper”. During a storm the boat overturned

The police conduct special operation in the suburbs of Paris

The police conduct special operation in the suburbs of Paris PARIS, Aug 23 — RIA Novosti, Victoria Ivanova. The police conduct special operation in the town of Trappe of the Department Yvelines in the suburbs of the French capital. Upstairs “Trapp. Conducted police operation… Please avoid the area of operations and keep a security perimeter,” — said in the account of the local police in Twitter. ⚠This[ALERTE] ‘opération en cours de police, rue Camille Claudel à #Trappes, merci de bien vouloir avoid le secteur et de respecter le périmètre de sécurité. pic.twitter.com/6z7Q8u9mrZ — 78 Police Nationale (@PoliceNat78) August 23, 2018 According to media reports, the reason for the RAID was unknown, lashed out with a knife people. It is reported that one person was killed and at least two were injured.

Kadyrov said that the order to attack police in Chechnya was given from abroad

Kadyrov said that the order to attack police in Chechnya was given from abroad Moscow. August 23. INTERFAX.RU — head of the Republic wrote about the personal responsibility of parents, not sledushij for teenagers. Upstairs Teenagers, August 20 committed several attacks on police in Chechnya, have received orders from abroad through social networks, said Wednesday the head of the Republic Ramzan Kadyrov. “There is no doubt that the team attack the police received from abroad on social networks. This is a real conspiracy not just against those who stand on guard of law and order, but against the entire Chechen people”, — he wrote on his page in “Vkontakte”. “Attracting youths with a fragile psyche to commit serious crimes is deeply thoughtful and focused. Recruiters have set a goal to call in the Russian society lack of confidence to teenagers, every child 10-12 years have seen a potential terrorist and

A consequence opened a criminal case after an emergency landing in Ufa

A consequence opened a criminal case after an emergency landing in Ufa MOSCOW, 22 Aug — RIA Novosti. The case was initiated after the emergency landing of Tu-204 airline Red Wings in Ufa, returned to the airport due to the engine fire, according to the channel of the RF IC on Twitter. Upstairs The plane Tu-204 of airline “Red wings”, carrying out flight 808 Ufa — Sochi, Wednesday at 5.06 am local time (3.06 GMT) made an emergency landing at the airport “Ufa” fire left engine shortly after takeoff. Passengers were evacuated using inflatable chutes after seven minutes after landing of aircraft. There were no injuries. Passengers posted in the airport, with them psychologists work. To fly to Sochi passengers were told on the backup Board of the company “Red wings” Tu-214 in 10.55 (8.55 GMT). Fun burning turbofan Perm PS-90A, passengers talking to who flies where. Nothing special, just

On the head of Karachay-Cherkessia suspected of abuse of 2.2 billion rubles

On the head of Karachay-Cherkessia suspected of abuse of 2.2 billion rubles Moscow. August 22. INTERFAX.RU — Head of Management FNS of Russia on the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the Deputy chief of Department of ensuring procedures of bankruptcy FNS regional become defendants in the criminal case on abuse of office. Upstairs “The office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation in skfo during check of execution of tax legislation has established gross violations in the activities of officials of management of Federal tax service of Russia on KCHR. Officials of the Agency were not fulfilled the duties of contesting in the courts of transactions on alienation of property companies on the eve of bankruptcy, not to appeal the court decision on completion of bankruptcy proceedings,” — said the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. In fact the use of officers of the office powers contrary to interests of service

The head of the Samara colony caught red-handed when receiving a bribe

The head of the Samara colony caught red-handed when receiving a bribe Moscow. August 22. INTERFAX.RU — police on Wednesday arrested on suspicion of corruption, the chief of a corrective colony № 3 in the Samara region. About it reports a press-service of management of FSB of Russia across the Samara region. Upstairs “As a result of realization by employees UFSB of Russia across the Samara region of the complex operative-search actions, on 22 August 2018 red-handed when receiving money in the amount of 300 thousand rubles detained the head of fku IK-3 UFSIN of Russia across the Samara region”, — stated in the message. According to operational data, this amount was part payment for the provision of chief IK-3 assist in parole relatives of the briber serving sentences in this colony for the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (part 3 of article 111 of the criminal code). Collected

Spiegel called the detainee in Berlin Russian “Islamists from Chechnya”

Spiegel called the detainee in Berlin Russian “Islamists from Chechnya” Moscow. August 22. INTERFAX.RU —the Detainee in Berlin, the Russian Magomed-Ali s. — “Islamists from Chechnya”, according to the website of the German weekly Der Spiegel, citing sources. Official confirmation of this information to “Interfax” failed to obtain. Upstairs “We do not comment on reports the personal data of the suspect”, — said the representative of the Prosecutor General of Germany. According to the Prosecutor’s office informed the press release, the detainee’s 31, he is a citizen of the Russian Federation. According to prosecutors, the man in 2016 were preparing a terrorist attack with the prisoner in France by Islamist Clement B., and kept in his explosive — acetone peroxide. In the autumn of the same year in the apartment of the suspect was searched, as believes a consequence, the detainee refused from his intention. Back in the spring, the

All the property of the family of Colonel Zakharchenko 9 billion turned into the income of the Russian Federation

All the property of the family of Colonel Zakharchenko 9 billion turned into the income of the Russian Federation Moscow. August 22. INTERFAX.RU — All the property of the former employee’s anti-corruption Central Directorate of interior Ministry Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko and his family, seized at the suit of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, paid to the state. Upstairs “The enforcement proceeding is completed. All property turned into the income of the state”, — reported “Interfax” the lawyer Zakharchenko Alexander Gorbatenko. Nikulinskiy court of Moscow on 1 December 2017 has satisfied the claim of Prosecutor General’s office and paid to the state 27 real estate in the form of apartments and cars, four expensive cars registered to relatives Zakharchenko and other persons, as well as the money in rubles and foreign currency worth about 8 billion rubles and a gold bar. The total amount reversed in the income of