Lithuania blocked the investments of the Russian “System” for gathering map data

Lithuania blocked the investments of the Russian “System” for gathering map data According to Lithuanian reconnaissance, data were collected for the Russian armed forces. In the report, threats to national security, prepared by the Department of state security (DGB) and the Second Department of operational services under the Ministry of defence described the case where the holding Vladimir Yevtushenkov “System” through his son managed investment company has acquired the Lithuanian company, engaged in the mapping and aerial photography. At the same time, reports Delfi under control, “Systems” was the Russian company “Kronstadt”, which several years ago won the competition equipment of the centre for electronic map data. According to intelligence reports, it is likely that after the acquisition of the company, which operates in Lithuania and other EU countries, Russia “tried to take advantage of the cover of the current EU member States, companies and disguise the data collection for

Terminated the criminal prosecution of feminists from Omsk for extremism

Terminated the criminal prosecution of feminists from Omsk for extremism The investigative Committee of the Omsk region has closed criminal case about extremism being investigated against the activists of the feminist movement love Kalugina. This information “Kommersant” confirmed the mistress Kalugin, adding that the decision to dismiss referred to the lack of evidence and decriminalization of article of the Criminal code she was charged. “I’m this and this wrong done, their expertise has proven that a woman with a frying pan — it’s extremism, but because the law was changed, at the moment it is not a crime”, she commented document the investigation. Love Kalugin was suspected of inciting hatred of men. According to investigators, in the period 2013-2016 Love Kalugin on his page in “Vkontakte” published 12 posts that, as suggested by the TFR, is directed against men. Check the blog of Ms. Kalugina in the social network was

In Sweden found the stolen crown jewels

In Sweden found the stolen crown jewels STOCKHOLM, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti. Police in Sweden confirmed on Tuesday that two Royal crown and Orb, stolen at the end of July 2018 from the Cathedral of Strängnäs, near Stockholm, found. “Everything points to the fact that the funeral regalia of king Charles IX was found in the Stockholm area”, — stated in the message of the police to the press. It is noted that with found objects continue to work with the experts to “100%” to confirm their authenticity. NewsTreasures of the French crown In August 2018, the information that the regalia found, appeared in several Swedish media, but the official confirmation is not received. The cost stolen, according to police, is estimated at 65 million SEK (6.5 million euros). At the end of July 2018 in the middle of the day from the Cathedral city of Strängnäs, located 90

In the party of potatoes from France found a grenade (video)

In the party of potatoes from France found a grenade (video) Of her wanted to make Kale chips. Workers at the Hong Kong factory producing the chips found in the potato grenade during the First world war. Batch of potatoes arrived at the plant from France, according to French news Agency. The grenade with a width of 8 cm and weighing about 1 kg were manufactured in Germany. Apparently she spent a long time in the ground on the former battlefield, which later became a potato farm. ?Update?@hkpoliceforce have detonated a grenade at the TKO Industrial Estate. No causality is reported. #香港警察 在將軍澳工業邨剛引爆一枚手榴彈,現場安全。#Safeguarding #HongKong #Safety #Emergency #Explosive #EOD? — Hong Kong Police Force (@hkpoliceforce) 2 Feb 2019 Police evacuated employees and defused grenade in the yard of the plant. It is placed in the hole and triggered the explosion with a jet of water under strong pressure. Hong Kong

In Moscow evacuated 25 thousand people because of calls about the mining

In Moscow evacuated 25 thousand people because of calls about the mining Moscow. 5 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — nearly 40 Moscow objects to the address which received threats of mining, ended at 15:00 in capital, has informed “Interfax” a source familiar with the situation. “According to preliminary estimates, to check threats were evacuated about 25 thousand people”, — said the Agency interlocutor. He said that explosive devices on the Moscow objects were found. The newsIn Moscow the next wave of mining telephone Earlier the source of “Interfax” reported that the number of calls about the mining enterprises, organizations and institutions of Moscow exceeded 200. Phone wave of mining began in Moscow about 10:30 Tuesday. According to sources “Interfax”, the threats come not only by phone but also by email of the Moscow enterprises, organizations and institutions. The news Agency also said that the signals on mining are with phones and IP

In the Kuzbass closed the kindergarten due to the discovery of radioactive gas

In the Kuzbass closed the kindergarten due to the discovery of radioactive gas The bailiffs of the city of Belovo of the Kemerovo region has suspended the work of a private kindergarten No. 171, JSC “Russian Railways” due to the discovery there of exceeding the level of radon, is spoken in the message of regional government of Federal bailiff service (FSSP). “It was established that the annual average equivalent equilibrium volumetric activity of radon daughter products in the premises of the medical office, middle bedroom group, bedroom first the younger group does not meet the requirements of SanPiN” — said in the message. Court enforcement officers sealed the premises of the medical office, the average bedroom and the first Junior groups, according to the requirements of the court, recognized the garden is in violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements (article 6.4 of the administrative code). As explained in the Department,

In Moscow began the trial of a top Manager of Aeroflot

In Moscow began the trial of a top Manager of Aeroflot The Tushino court of Moscow has started consideration of criminal case concerning the Deputy Director of Department of the airline “Aeroflot” Anatoly Yakimchuk, who is accused of giving a bribe to a public official. About it reports “Interfax” with reference to the court’s press Secretary Marina Sviridov. The trial began in late December, the next meeting will take place on 8 February. Yakimchuk is under recognizance not to leave. Informed RBC with reference to sources reported that Yakimchuk was detained by the FSB in late December 2018, and then against it criminal case about bribery of a public entity (part 3 of article 291 of the criminal code). The maximum punishment under this article is punishable by a fine in the amount of 1.5 million rubles. or deprivation of liberty for a term up to eight years with a

Several thousand people were evacuated to Moscow because of reports about mining

Several thousand people were evacuated to Moscow because of reports about mining Moscow. 5 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — About 7 thousand people were evacuated from buildings, universities and shopping centers (TC) of Moscow after reports of mining, reported “Interfax” on Tuesday informed source. “E-mail received messages on a mining of buildings of the Russian state humanitarian University, Moscow state technical University and Russian state University of physical culture, sport and tourism, Institute of Russian language named after Pushkin” — said the Agency interlocutor. Exercises in University – evacuation — Artem Nikiforov (@tema_1999) February 5, 2019 Came to savok, and here evacuation Green (@4ever_Green_) February 5, 2019 #MGTUGA declared #evacuation. Handlers to inspect the premises. Looks like someone reported the page. — Fiction (@klasnovse) February 5, 2019 Also evacuated the pool, “the Seagull”, the tower “City of capitals” in Moscow-city, several shopping centers and a hotel. Additionally, about 2

SK posted a video of the scene of a fire in a house on Nikitsky Boulevard

SK posted a video of the scene of a fire in a house on Nikitsky Boulevard MOSCOW, 4 Feb — RIA Novosti. Russia’s investigative Committee posted a video of the scene of the fire, which occurred in the house on Nikitsky Boulevard in the city. The fire on the area of 1 thousand square meters occurred on the night of Monday on Nikitsky Boulevard, 12. SK filed a case of causing death by negligence. The footage video published by the investigation into WhatsApp, you can see how the investigators and criminologists of the UK, as well as emergency workers and ambulance visiting the rooms of the house. Visible charred walls and personal belongings of the tenants. During the download an error has occurred. Earlier it became known that the death toll in the fire has risen to eight, two of them children. The building was built before the revolution is

The former head of Bank “Opening” has declared wanted for embezzlement

The former head of Bank “Opening” has declared wanted for embezzlement Moscow. 4 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — as a result of fraud with the bonds was spent more than 34 billion rubles. Russia’s investigative Committee has declared wanted the former head of Bank “Opening” Evgeny Dankevich for embezzlement, said Deputy Prime Minister Igor Krasnov, the newspaper “Kommersant”. TFR is working together with the FSB, trying to establish partners Dankevich. According to investigators, in the summer of 2017, as Chairman of the Board, Dankevich entered into a criminal conspiracy is not established by the CEOs of “01 of 01 Grupp Finans” which was the borrowers “Open”. “Borrowers organized the production and placing on the Moscow stock exchange of 40 million bonds with a nominal value of RUB 1 thousand According to the investigators, knowing that the real value of the bonds is less than half of their nominal value, Dankevich instructed about