In Yakutia rain fell from bed bugs

In Yakutia rain fell from bed bugs YAKUTSK, 29 Jul — RIA Novosti. A rain of bugs fell gribskov in Amginsky district of Yakutia, the press service of the Ministry of environment of Yakutia. Upstairs In amginskiy inspection of nature protection of 28 August we received the information that on the territory Altanskiy naslega discovered unknown insect. Environmentalists, in consultation with the office of Rospotrebnadzor of the Republic sent insect samples to study in the Institute of biological problems of the cryolithozone in Yakutsk. The Institute confirmed that this bug grebski of the family Corixidae. According to scientists-entomologists, earlier in amginskiy district and Central Yakutia have been cases “Coricidin rains”. During the download an error has occurred. “In the years 1917-20 have been cases when many bugs-corexit night flew on the lights and fell to the ground as rain. This rare incident was repeated in the late summer of 1994

Not 64, and 2975: number of the victims of the hurricane in Puerto Rico was underestimated by 50 times. How is this possible?

Not 64, and 2975: number of the victims of the hurricane in Puerto Rico was underestimated by 50 times. How is this possible? Authorities in Puerto Rico reported that the number of casualties struck the island in September 2017 hurricane “Maria” is 50 times greater than the digit, which was considered true until now. Upstairs A year in the official data bore 64 of the victims, in fact they 2975 people. Many were killed during the hurricane, but because of the lack of adequate health care, electricity and drinking water. Many also died due to blood poisoning and lack of medicines for people with diabetes. The new data came through the study conducted by experts from George Washington University. Trump did not help The Governor of Puerto Rico Ricardo Rosello said that his government regret to have to agree with the findings of the independent Commission. The government of Puerto

The battle for scallops: French and British fishermen have faced in the sea

The battle for scallops: French and British fishermen have faced in the sea French fishermen accused of assaulting English counterparts with stones and smoke grenades. In the night of Tuesday off the coast of Normandy there was a skirmish in which the French party was attended by 35 fishing boats. The fishermen of the two countries came to blows over the right to catch scallops. Upstairs Maritime collision occurred at 22 kilometers from the coast of Normandy, in the Bay of the Seine. This area is rich in scallops. The British fishermen have the legal right to catch them, but the presence of the British don’t like French fishermen, who believe that their colleagues extract too much shellfish. Now the British fishermen hope to obtain protection from the government, and the French are afraid of losing one of their “most important resource”. What happened? In the night of Tuesday 35

In tourism spoke about the status of victims in road accident in Antalya

In tourism spoke about the status of victims in road accident in Antalya MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. Victims in road accident with bus, in Turkey, the Russians receive the necessary assistance in medical institutions of Antalya, their lives are not threatened, told RIA Novosti press-service of the Federal tourism Agency. Upstairs Informed about the incident around 5:00 on Wednesday (time coincides with Moscow time) the accident was reported by Turkish media. According to them, the bus with 25 Russians followed in the airport, on the way he collided with a truck, resulting in slid off the road. Rus turistleri taşıyan midibüse TIR arkadan çarptı — NTV (@ntv) August 29, 2018 In the accident injured 13 tourists, three of them are minor bruises and scratches. “All the victims were tourists delivered in medical institutions of Antalya . According to preliminary data, the severe injuries they have. As expected,

In Turkey bus with Russian tourists got in an accident

In Turkey bus with Russian tourists got in an accident ANKARA, August 29 — RIA Novosti. The representative of Consulate General of Russia in Antalya, Turkey confirmed the information about the accident, in which suffered the Russians. Upstairs Informed about the incident around 5:00 on Wednesday (time coincides with Moscow time) the accident was reported by Turkish media. According to them, the bus with 25 Russians followed in the airport, on the way he collided with a truck, resulting in slid off the road. Rus turistleri taşıyan midibüse TIR arkadan çarptı — NTV (@ntv) August 29, 2018 Injuring eleven Russians. “They carried to nearby hospitals. Our staff went to the scene. We are in touch with the insurance companies and the gendarmerie. Clarifying the causes of the accident and the condition of the victims,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Rus turistleri taşıyan midibüse TIR çarptı! — İ

Two women died in an accident on the highway in the Novosibirsk region

Two women died in an accident on the highway in the Novosibirsk region In the Novosibirsk region, an elderly driver lost control and collided with the truck and killed both the passenger cars. Upstairs The incident occurred on 28 August at 23:15 on 1069-m kilometer of the highway Omsk — Novosibirsk. 60-the summer inhabitant of the Vats behind the wheel of the car VAZ-21101 drove into the oncoming lane and collided with a truck Scania under control of 48-the summer inhabitant of the Novgorod region. In the accident died at the scene of the accident two passengers of VAZ: 64-year-old and 70-year-old resident Vats. The driver domestic legkovushki with numerous injuries was taken to a medical facility. “In fact, road accidents currently being tested, set all the circumstances of the incident,” — said the press service of the Ministry of internal Affairs across the Novosibirsk region. We will remind, on

Thousands of bees attacked stalls with hot dogs in new York

Thousands of bees attacked stalls with hot dogs in new York A swarm of bees swarmed the truck with hot dogs on one of the Central areas of new York — times square. Upstairs As the newspaper writes New York Post, the area had to block that the bees didn’t sting passers-by. A police officer in a protective suit collected insects special vacuum device, after which bees in a safe and sound was delivered in a more appropriate place. Thousands of bees swarmed a New York City hot dog vendor on Tuesday, causing the New York Police Department to deploy its in-house beekeepers. — The Boston Globe (@BostonGlobe) August 28, 2018. It is noted that Roy, according to some estimates, consisted of thousands of individuals. As a result of incident nobody has suffered. Police sealed off part of New York’s Times Square after 30,000 bees attacked a hot

Counterfeit money: in the Novosibirsk region seized 170 notes

Counterfeit money: in the Novosibirsk region seized 170 notes The Central Bank released data on detection of counterfeit banknotes in the Novosibirsk region for the first half of 2018. Upstairs For the first six months of 2018 in the region identified 170 in counterfeit bills. For comparison, over the same period of 2017 was discovered 140 fakes. Statistics suggests that banknotes of 2000 and 200 rubles fake rare. The “beloved” bill of falsifikation — 5000. The increase in the number of identified forgeries experts of the Central Bank explained primarily by the fact that people become more attentive to their money. As a rule, if a person has a suspicion, he turns to the nearest commercial Bank. There are cases when employees of credit institutions are unable to say with certainty, fake or genuine bill in front of them. Then it is sent for examination in the Siberian Bank of

The South Korean’s hand was amputated after poisoning at a sushi restaurant

The South Korean’s hand was amputated after poisoning at a sushi restaurant The South Korean had an arm amputated at the elbow after the poisoning of land, reports the New England Journal of Medicine. Upstairs MOSCOW, August 28 — RIA Novosti. It is noted that 12 hours after ingestion of the 71-year-old man swelled up left hand. This reaction was the result of infection with flesh-eating bacteria Vibrio Vulnificus contained in the raw fish. Doctors used to drain swollen areas on hand and removed the infected tissue, after which the patient was prescribed antibiotics. However, the treatment did not help, and when returning to the doctors on the 25th day after the poisoning — it turned out that the men formed tissue necrosis. In this regard, the doctors decided to amputate the hand and forearm.

On the troop train in Transbaikalia was attacked by about ten people

On the troop train in Transbaikalia was attacked by about ten people In Zabaykalsky Krai, about ten people tried to attack a troop train. About it RIA Novosti was informed in the press service of the Main military investigative Department of the investigative Committee of Russia. Upstairs The incident occurred at night on Monday in the town of Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky. About 22 o’clock train, EN route to the exercises “Vostok-2018”, with personnel and military equipment was stopped at the station of Petrovsky Zavod. According to investigators, at about midnight, about ten people approached the train and began to throw stones at the sentries. Hour made the shot into the air, but the bullies ignored the warning. Soldiers were forced to open fire on defeat. As a result, one of the attackers was mortally wounded. The scene started to work investigative team. Military investigators, in particular, began checking on the fact of