In Arshakovich there were two suspects

In Arshakovich there were two suspects In the case of theft of gas has already arrested seven people, including Senator Rauf Arashukov and his father Raul Arashukov. Russia’s investigative Committee announced the Federal wanted list two more people suspected of involvement in a criminal case on theft of gas from Gazprom for 30 billion rubles. The RF IC is looking for the acting Executive Director of JSC “Budennovskaya” Wali Evgamukov and Executive Director of the branch of OOO “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol” in the city of Nevinnomyssk Umar Kalmykov. Both entities are subsidiaries of “Gazprom”. Have in the case of the theft of gas of OJSC “Gazprom” for the sum more than 30 billion rubles are wanted: – Wali of Evgamukov, acting Executive Director of JSC “Budennovskaya”;– Umar Kalmykov, Executive Director of the branch of LLC “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol” in Nevinnomyssk — Investigative Committee (@sledcom_rf) 6 Feb 2019 “In the

Russia was covered with false reports about the mining

Russia was covered with false reports about the mining Why can’t I calculate the telephone terrorist. Hundreds of letters with bomb threats, tens of thousands evacuated and no arrests. In Moscow hosted a regular series of messages on mining of buildings. On the eve of the letters and calls threatening of explosion in Moscow and the region had to evacuate more than 50 thousand people. The experts have checked two hundred buildings, schools, commercial and office buildings, even residential homes. Explosives, they are never found. And this is not the first mass mailing of messages on ostensibly mined buildings in Moscow. Why the message about “mining” continue to come? And why intelligence agencies can’t stop this wave? Figured Alexander Rassokhin. The next wave of mining continues for a second week. What is the evacuation on the eve of experienced employees and visitors to the tower “City of capitals” in “Moscow-city”,

U.S. runner strangled attacking Cougar

U.S. runner strangled attacking Cougar MOSCOW, 6 Feb — RIA Novosti. Cougar attacked the man making a run in the nature Park in the U.S. state of Colorado, the runner was able to defend himself and strangled the animal, the newspaper reports the Denver Post. “On Monday, February 4, a young Cougar attacked a jogger. The victim was able to defend itself from attack, in the result the animal died. Runner subsequently was able to leave the Park and got to the local hospital”, — reported in Facebook organization Colorado Parks and Wildlife, which controls parks and reserves Colorado. On Monday, Feb. 4 at Horsetooth Mountain Open Space, a trail runner was attacked by a juvenile mountain lion. The victim… Published by Colorado Parks and Wildlife Tuesday, 5 February 2019At boot time the error occurred. Writes the Denver Post, a representative of Colorado Parks and Wildlife Rebecca Ferrell said that

Off the coast of Florida encountered two ships of the U.S. Navy

Off the coast of Florida encountered two ships of the U.S. Navy MOSCOW, 6 Feb — RIA Novosti. Two U.S. Navy ship collided on Tuesday during a resupply at the South-Eastern coast of the country, according to a Navy statement. The statement reported that the missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf and the cargo ship USNS Robert E. Peary faced feeds, as a result of incident nobody has suffered, and the ships were able to continue the voyage. The damage will be assessed when the ships arrive in port. The forces of the US Navy and the command of the Maritime transport will investigate the incident.

Father decl commented on the results of the examination for drugs

Father decl commented on the results of the examination for drugs Information on the results of examination into the death of rapper Kirill Tolmatsky, better known as the decl is invalid. This was reported by RBC, the father of the musician Alexander Tolmatsky. According to him, the results will only be ready in two weeks, so everything I write now is crap. He added that the examination is conducted by the investigators from Izhevsk. That investigation at the moment there is no expert opinion, also informed the senior assistant administrator of SU of SK of Russia on the Udmurt Republic Vera Filippova. Earlier, on 5 February it was reported that in the blood of the decl was not found traces of drugs. 4 Feb source citing Bureau of forensic medical examination of the Udmurt Republic said that a preliminary diagnosis Declo, “death in Association with cardiac pathology”. Tolmatskogo died in

The explosion in the subway of Washington

The explosion in the subway of Washington A powerful explosion occurred at the station meters in the U.S. capital Washington. According to the Twitter account BreakingNLive, the explosion occurred at the Rosslyn station in Washington (DC). Details of incident are specified. That explosion in #Rosslyn was huge. Shook the entire Townhall office. First responders blocked off the entire street. A bus driver right on the corner told me it was a transformer and said the boom lifted/moved his bus with him in it. Knocked out a few lights. — Micah Rate (@Micah_Rate) February 5, 2019. According to eyewitnesses, explosion was very strong. Arrived on the scene, rescuers blocked the surrounding streets. “The bus driver told me that it was a transformer”, added the eyewitness. February 5 it was reported that an improvised explosive device detonated at a shopping center in the United States.

SK called “rough photomontage” photo sharing Bastrykin and Arashukova

SK called “rough photomontage” photo sharing Bastrykin and Arashukova Official representative of the Investigative Committee (IC) Svetlana Petrenko has denied reports about the rest of the head of Department Alexander Bastrykin in the family Arshakovich accused of creating a criminal gang. “In connection with the spreading in the media and social networks information about the stay of Chairman SK the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and allegedly personal acquaintance with the family Arshakovich declare that he never was personally acquainted with the members of this family,” — said Petrenko (quoted by “Interfax”). She noted that the only meeting Bastrykin with Senator Rauf Arashukov was held in the Federation Council during the arrest of the latter. During summer vacation, 2018 Bastrykin on the recommendation of colleagues stayed with my family for two days in hotel “adiyuh Palace” for their own money, what are the supporting documents.Svetlana Petromaterials UK

In the UK broke with a hammer the tombstone of Karl Marx

In the UK broke with a hammer the tombstone of Karl Marx Moscow. 5 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Unknown vandals desecrated the grave of German philosopher Karl Marx at Highgate cemetery in London, said on Tuesday the British newspaper the Guardian. “Marx’s grave was desecrated! It looks like someone went through it with a hammer,” — said in a message posted on Twitter guide Highgate cemetery. “We’ll fix you (headstone — if) as soon as possible”, — stated in the social network. Karl Marx’s memorial has been vandalised! It looks like someone has had a go at it with a hammer. It’s a Grade I-listed monument; this is no way to treat our heritage. @MarxLibrary @HeritageCrime We will repair as far as possible. — Highgate Cemetery (@HighgateCemeter) February 5, 2019 The vandals did not touch the other graves in the cemetery. The Guardian emphasizes that the tombstone of Marx will

In Russia check 160 objects after calls about a mining

In Russia check 160 objects after calls about a mining MOSCOW, 5 Feb — RIA Novosti. 160 shopping centers, schools and other facilities check in Moscow and regions of Central Russia after a wave of anonymous calls, “telephone terrorists,” evacuated nearly 40 thousand people, reported RIA Novosti the representative of the emergency services. “Threatening phone calls “mining” came out in 99 objects in Moscow and 61 facilities in the Moscow region and five regions of the Central Federal district”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Just evacuated nearly forty thousand people. Validation was completed in 70 of the 160 “mined” objects. None of the messages was not confirmed. View this post in Instagram Publication from Katerina (@apellcinovaya) Feb 5 2019 2:51 PST During the download an error has occurred.The newsIn Moscow the next wave of phone minireunion “mining” In January, the country swept the next wave of reports about the “mining”

The Prosecutor’s office dismantled words

The Prosecutor’s office dismantled words The Director of the school in Primorye punished for the lecture “authorities” on sex education. The administrative proceedings are initiated against the Director of the school in the Mikhailovsky district of Primorye after the lesson, which was allegedly carried out by criminal authorities. About this informed the official representative of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Alexander Kurennoy. Informed about the lesson involving criminal authorities said the mother of one of the students. The Director of the school then the situation did not comment, but local officials said that the school to talk with students came with no criminal record parents, concerned about the form of communication of students with each other. “On the facts of violations of legislation on education about the fact that unreasonably interrupted the educational process, failed to comply with the permit regime on school property, the district Prosecutor has