Prosecutors office will check the airport, from which flew crashed in the Irkutsk region helicopter

Prosecutors office will check the airport, from which flew crashed in the Irkutsk region helicopter IRKUTSK, September 3. /TASS/ — the Agency is also reviewing the airline “Angara”, which owned the Mi-8. Upstairs The Prosecutor’s office launched an investigation of “Angara” airlines and airport Ust-Kut in Irkutsk region, where on the eve flew the crashed Mi-8 helicopter, said Monday the press-service of East – Siberian transport Prosecutor’s office. “Baikal-Angara and Osetrovskaya transport Prosecutor’s office began check of observance of requirements of the legislation on safety of flights of airline “Angara” and the place of departure of the helicopter”, — is spoken in the message. The Prosecutor’s office also established a supervision of investigation of criminal case of the East Siberian investigative management on transport SK the Russian Federation under part 3 of article 263 of the criminal code (“Violation of safety rules of movement and operation of air transport”). As

The former banker was arrested to find

The former banker was arrested to find The measure of restraint to the accused in the embezzlement of funds of the Fundservicebank. Upstairs As it became known “Kommersant”, the Tver court of Moscow in absentia arrested the former General Director “the Capital trust company Soyuz” and member of the Board of Directors of Fundservicebank Edward Chesnova. He is accused of embezzling 7.5 billion rubles. the credit institution, for over ten years he was a supporting Bank of the Roscosmos. According to the investigative Department (SD) Ministry of internal Affairs, the arrested person, being a Trustee of the former owner of Fundservicebank Alexander Volovnik, led an isolated band of specialists who ran derived from the Bank’s assets. The decision to arrest Edward Chesnova the Tver court of capital has taken in correspondence mode: location of the former Director of “Capital trust company “Soyuz”” and member of the Board of Directors of

In Moscow buried Joseph Kobzon

In Moscow buried Joseph Kobzon The funeral ceremony, singer and Duma Deputy Joseph Kobzon ended in Moscow, news agencies report. Наверх16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий The artist is buried in the Jewish part of the Vostryakovskoye cemetery, near his mother. The ceremony was held according to Jewish traditions. Andrei Kobzon, the son of the actor, read a memorial prayer Kaddish. After that Joseph Kobzon was buried under sounds of the anthem of Russia and volleys of honor. In conclusion, the orchestra performed “a Song about far homeland” from the movie “Seventeen moments of spring”. A farewell ceremony was held in the Moscow Concert hall named after Tchaikovsky. According to TASS, the ceremony was attended by about 6 thousand people. Among them the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, state Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin and others. Recall that Joseph Kobzon died 30 August on 81-m to year of life after long illness.

In St. Petersburg died the main Russian Beatles fan Kolya Vasin

In St. Petersburg died the main Russian Beatles fan Kolya Vasin S. — PETERSBURG, 2 Saint — RIA Novosti. Famous Beatles fan Russia, Creator of “the Temple of John Lennon” Kolya Vasin died in St. Petersburg, reported to Facebook by his friend Nicholas of Drums. Upstairs “The twenty-ninth of August my friend Kolya Vasin went to John Lennon and Jim Harrison — he wrote. During the download an error has occurred. Nikolai Vasin known as the Soviet and Russian art collector, writer, historian, Creator of the country’s largest Museum “the Beatles”, the founder of the “Temple of love, peace and music of John Lennon”.

A resident of Georgia tried to smuggle the girl into Turkey in a suitcase

A resident of Georgia tried to smuggle the girl into Turkey in a suitcase Turkish border guards have detained 24-the summer citizen of Georgia who tried to smuggle into the country the girl in the suitcase. On Sunday, September 2, reports the Agency “news-Georgia”. Upstairs The incident occurred at a check point “Sarpi”. The guards drew attention to the man with a large suitcase, which passed customs and passport control. The man was asked to open the suitcase, and inside it found the girl. She was 27-the summer citizen of Uzbekistan, which, according to the Agency, denied entry into Turkey. The traveler and his illegal companion were detained. Against them criminal case. July 27 at the airport of Charles de Gaulle in Paris, was detained a citizen of Austria. He tried to smuggle from Mexico to Germany 80 exotic birds. The man was carrying the birds in hand Luggage. Managed

Tourists warned about the outbreak of a dangerous fever in Europe

Tourists warned about the outbreak of a dangerous fever in Europe The CPS has warned tourists about the outbreak of West Nile fever in Europe and Israel. Upstairs As reported, from the beginning of the year, the world health organization (who) has registered more than 400 cases of the disease in Europe, 27 of which were fatal. The greatest number of diseases is registered in Serbia, Italy, Greece, Hungary and Romania. 68 of the fever cases occurred in Israel, two sick people died. West Nile fever (LSN) — an acute viral disease caused by the same virus. The incubation period of the disease varies from several days to 2-3 weeks. The disease begins with a rapid rise in body temperature to 38-40°C and chills. Among the symptoms LSN — strong excruciating headache preferentially localized in the forehead and eyes, pain in the eyeballs, generalized muscle pain, often in the neck

Died star of the TV series “Santa Barbara”

Died star of the TV series “Santa Barbara” MOSCOW, 2 sen — RIA of news. In the US, on 87-m to year of life has died the star of “soap operas” Susan brown. This publication reports The Hollywood Reporter. Upstairs Information about her death confirmed Executive producer Frank Valentini. In his tweet, he expressed condolences to the families of brown and all who knew her. His career brown began in 1977. The Russian viewer, the actress remembered role in the series “Santa Barbara” in which she played the role of Janet lane, mother of Victoria lane. Acting career brown graduated in 2004, the last time starring in the TV series “General hospital.” “Santa Barbara” — a soap Opera that aired in the US from 30 July 1984 to January 15, 1993. Just removed 2137 series. The series tells about the life of a family of Cappello of Santa Barbara. In

Rocket attack on Damascus was “short circuit” in stock ammunition

Rocket attack on Damascus was “short circuit” in stock ammunition Israel has carried out a rocket attack on the suburbs of Damascus. About it reports Reuters, citing Syrian state media. Upstairs According to authorities, the Mezze airbase was not under fire, and explosions at a nearby ammunition dump began as a result of a short circuit. However, in social networks appear pictures advanced interceptor missiles. Earlier, on 2 September, the newspaper The Times of Israel reported that with high probability, the impact was applied to the aircraft of the Israel defense forces. Syrian media also reported on the strike, adding that the missiles were intercepted by air defense systems. About victims information is not available. Syria and Israel are technically at war since 1973, however, the clashes were extremely rare before the civil war in Syria. May 8, Israel put its troops on high alert to attack from Syria, launched

The ship of Murmansk shipping company were arrested in Denmark

The ship of Murmansk shipping company were arrested in Denmark The authorities of Denmark 30 August arrested the vessel “Novaya Zemlya” (the company owner JSC “Murmansk shipping company”, MMP). As reported on the website of the Russian trade Union of seamen, on Board of the vessel, which is near Cape Skagen, is located 19 sailors. Upstairs A professional body noted that in Spain under arrest in may and July are also the crews of MMP “Severnaya Zemlya” and “Arctic”, and mid-may in the U.S. RAID is the ship “seaboard.” “It is only those well-known labor disputes in which involved ITF inspectors around the world. We are talking about the fate of at least 80 Russian sailors trapped in a deplorable situation by the fault of the shipowner”, — have informed in the Union. It is emphasized that “the leadership of the Murmansk shipping company reluctantly go on contact” and ignores

The organizer of “murder” Babchenko planted

The organizer of “murder” Babchenko planted The accused in the assassination of the Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko a citizen of Ukraine Boris Herman sentenced by a Kyiv court to 4.5 years of imprisonment. About it reports “Interfax-Ukraine” with reference to the head of SBU Vasily Gritsak. Наверх14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий The verdict passed on August 30, will come into force in a month. 21 Aug Herman pleaded guilty and made a deal with the investigation. “Works, gives a very interesting statement that in the future will be checked and documented”, — said Hrytsak. The security service of Ukraine (SBU) has accused the Executive Director of “Ukrainian-German joint venture (UNSP) Schmeiser” Boris Hermann in the assassination of Babchenko. May 29, SBU staged a re-enactment of the murder of the journalist, after which Herman was arrested. The next day, Babchenko “rose”, and Ukrainian law enforcement authorities said, allegedly having close ties with Russia Herman was