Emissions in the Crimea: why are you closing the plant in Armyansk

Emissions in the Crimea: why are you closing the plant in Armyansk UN expert estimated the risk of ejection in Armyansk. Upstairs In Armyansk was recorded the emission of sulfur dioxide from the plant “Crimean Titan”. How dangerous this substance is for residents of the Crimea and how to behave in conditions of infection, “Газете.Ru” said the honored Professor of Moscow state University, Vice-President of RAEN, a UN expert on chemical safety Valery Petrosyan. — In Armyansk there was a release of sulfur dioxide. Where he comes from and what processes are involved? — This city has large chemical production — “Crimean Titan”. This plant produces titanium dioxide TiO2, which is used in many sectors of the economy, including in baby powders. For its and other substances, including sulfates, this plant uses a lot of sulfuric acid. It is important that the plant is the so-called kislotoustoichiv, or kislotostabilen in

In the epicenter area of the earthquake in the Urals continued weak seismic activity

In the epicenter area of the earthquake in the Urals continued weak seismic activity According to scientists, at 06:08 local time some of the inhabitants of Katav-ivanovska felt a slight tremor of the soil. Upstairs YEKATERINBURG, September 7. /TASS/. Weak seismic activity continues in Katav-Ivanovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, where on the night of September 5 the earthquake occurred. On Friday reported TASS the employee of laboratory of natural-technogenic seismicity of the Mining Institute UB RAS Philip Verkholantsev in the expedition near the epicenter of the earthquake. “Weak seismic activity continues today at 06:08 local time (04:08 MSK) some of the inhabitants of Katav-Evanescencevevo a slight tremor [of the soil] for a short time, in other settlements it was not felt. According to the seismic stations, 6 Sep latest aftershock was at 10:55 local time (08:55 GMT), 7 September data will be processed tomorrow,” he said. In addition, scientists

On Elon musk sued for stock fraud

On Elon musk sued for stock fraud Head of the research company Citron Research’s Andrew left has accused the head of the automaker Tesla Elon musk stock exchange fraud and filed for him in court, according to CNBC. Upstairs In early August, Mr Musk announced plans to redeem all shares of Tesla, but subsequently abandoned their intentions. The lawsuit alleges that Mr. Musk “manipulated the stock price of Tesla, issuing false and misleading information.” “It’s like a textbook case of fraud,” said Michael Canti, one of the lawyers of the firm Labaton Sucharow, which represents the interests of the plaintiff. Tesla has not commented on the lawsuit. The statements of Elon musk about the intention to buy Tesla stock has become an occasion for review by the financial regulators of the United States. In addition, the group of shareholders has filed against him a lawsuit alleging that she suffered financial

Died famous actor Burt Reynolds

Died famous actor Burt Reynolds In the United States died a famous American actor Burt Reynolds. He was 82, reports TMZ. Upstairs According to the newspaper, the death was the result of a heart attack. The actor died in a hospital in Florida, surrounded by his family. Reporters noted that Reynolds had serious health problems. In February 2010, he underwent heart surgery. Reynolds — the winner of two awards “Golden globe” (1992, 1998) and “Emmy” (1991). He is best known to viewers for her role in the trilogy “Smokey and the bandit” as well as supporting roles in the drama “Nights in style bugi”, which brought him a nomination for “Oscar”.

The US lost a combat drone over Spain

The US lost a combat drone over Spain American strategic reconnaissance drone RQ-4 Global Hawk crashed in the Mediterranean sea off the coast of Spain. It happened on June 26, however, disclosure of this information is not indulged, according to the American edition of the Drive. Наверх16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий According to him, to request of the journalists the fact of the death of Drona, in fact, hiding the command Military-air forces of the USA. As noted, this can be done because of the technologies that may be of value to other countries, even if the drone is damaged. To date, the crash site had been found, and the device raised to the surface and delivered to the naval base Rota. Then it needs to send to the US. What happened with the drone, not reported. As stated by the representative of the Centre for security, U.S. air force Josh Aycock, the causes

Alexander Petrov commented on reports about the involvement Skrobala

Alexander Petrov commented on reports about the involvement Skrobala MOSCOW, 6 sen — news. Alexander Petrov, of which the UK authorities considered involved in the poisoning of Yulia and Sergei Skripal, commented on the accusations. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Earlier, the media found out that Petrov, who together with Ruslan by Bocharovym accused of attempted murder Skrobala was born 31 July 1979 and listed by the employee of FSUE NPO “Microgen”, which is engaged in the production of immunobiological preparations. “I don’t know anything about it and the history with Skripal are irrelevant. It is a complete coincidence: I am not in London, I even to the Altai mountains can’t reach. Working foreman at Tomsk branch of NPO “Microgen” — scientific-production Association “virion,” Petrov told RT. On the eve of the British Prosecutor’s office reported that two Russian citizens — Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirova — was indicted on four counts, including attempted

There was a video with “poisoners Skrypalia”

There was a video with “poisoners Skrypalia” Russians Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov, whom British authorities accuse of committing attacks using nerve agents “Novice” got into the surveillance camera of an antique shop in Salisbury. This was reported by the Daily Mail published the video. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий It is alleged that the recording was made on Sunday, March 4 at 13:49 in a few minutes after the former GRU officer Sergey Skripal and his daughter Julia was poisoned as a Novice. In the video two men walk past the shop, then stop and consider Windows. Daily Mail writes that Petrov and Bashirov, which are sent to the station to leave the city. Men seem relaxed and cheerful. The owners of the store said that the alleged Russians were attracted by the rare coin collection, exhibited at the showcase. The store itself on Sunday was closed. During the download an error has

Underground passage in Yalta turned into a tank of water (video)

Underground passage in Yalta turned into a tank of water (video) As a result of rain in the resort town fell half monthly precipitation, according to the Crimean weather. Upstairs Utility service of Yalta eliminate the effects of severe rainstorm — in the city were flooded streets and basements, as well as torn power lines. In several areas the power went out. During the download an error has occurred. Flooded was one of the underground passages — water filled it to the ceiling. During the download an error has occurred. Crimeans post on social media live from the event. During the download an error has occurred.

Scientist warned about the beginning of acid rain in the Crimea

Scientist warned about the beginning of acid rain in the Crimea SIMFEROPOL, St 6 — RIA Novosti. Acid rain can pass in Armyansk and nearby regions of the Crimea, which will lead to the purification of the atmosphere from the fumes of kilocalories of the plant “Crimean Titan”, said the Professor of the chair of Geoecology, faculty of geography of Taurida Academy of Kazan Federal University Igor Aleksashkin. Upstairs “Acid rain, of course, will be, and they will be the salvation of the atmosphere, it must be cleaned of those oxides in the atmosphere. They felt (in the air of the Armenian — ed.) is the concentration, in principle, determined by the instrument,” said the role in the broadcast channel “Crimea 24”. Scientist finds dangerous concentration of acids in the sediments to human health, but recommends not to be in the open rain. Danger for plants and soils is also

“City cash” to pay off in court

“City cash” to pay off in court Through a network of points of payment for utility services annually in cash of 5 billion rubles. Upstairs Voronezh police brought to trial a major criminal community absalikov, which, according to the investigators, led by brothers Ruslan and Paul Potters. Police said that through a network of points of payment for utility services “City cash” they played every year RUB 5 billion for a 1.5% Commission and earned a total of 170 million rubles. the representatives of the protecting brothers potters are confident that the police made “not only legal but also factual errors” during the investigation, do not recognize the participation of their clients or in a criminal Association or a criminal cashing, hoping to beat the charges. According to the official representative of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Irina Volk, the two organizers and eight members of the system cashing