Raised suspicion of conspiracy Observatory again

Raised suspicion of conspiracy Observatory again Observatory Sunspot Solar Observatory at Sacramento Peak in the U.S. state of new Mexico resumed work. This is stated on the website of the institution. Upstairs “Thank you for your patience. Since 17 September we are open again for visitors,” the scientists write. On the website of the Association of universities for research in astronomy (AURA) explains that the Observatory was closed due to the ongoing investigation into the crimes that occurred in Sacramento-Peak: “We were warned that there are security risks for plant personnel and local residents. In this regard, we have decided to temporarily close the Observatory”. On the suspension of the Sunspot Solar Observatory it became known on 6 September. Access to the site was closed in its territory at the time were the FBI agents. Due to the lack of information on the Internet spread conspiracy theories that astronomers have

Accused US of kidnapping their own children a woman can release without trial

Accused US of kidnapping their own children a woman can release without trial The lawyer of Russian Bogdana Osipova, which American justice accused in the kidnapping of their children, told about the possibility of a pretrial dispute settlement, RIA “Novosti”. Upstairs According to him, this scenario is possible if the plaintiffs and the defense will be able to negotiate the return of children in the United States. “It is expected that Osipova would facilitate the return of their children in the United States. She agreed to it,” — said the lawyer. He also spoke about Russia’s assistance in the return of children to the United States, noting legal action from the Russian side. “In Russia there is a ban on such trips. And in the Kaliningrad region was submitted a legal request to remove the ban on travel. Once that happens, the children will go to the USA, and I

Missile attack on Latakia was carried out from the sea, the source said

Missile attack on Latakia was carried out from the sea, the source said DAMASCUS, 17 Sep — RIA Novosti. Rocket attack on the Syrian city of Latakia was carried out from the sea, a few missiles shot down before approaching the target, reported RIA Novosti on Sunday, the Syrian military source. Upstairs “Our defense has reacted to enemy missiles launched from the sea by Latakia, some of them were shot down before they reached the targets,” said the source. Earlier, a source in the security services told RIA Novosti that the cause of the alarm was most likely missiles and UAVs. The source said that information about deaths or injuries as a result of blow yet. According to Syrian television, attack industrial targets in the suburbs of Latakia.

Dam sump of a chemical plant in the Crimea was partially destroyed by Ukraine

Dam sump of a chemical plant in the Crimea was partially destroyed by Ukraine The construction is necessary to protect the contents of the sump from mixing with salt water. Upstairs Moscow. September 17. INTERFAX.RU — the Dam that protects kislotostabilen plant for the production of titanium diocide in the North of the Crimea from the salt lake Sivash, partially destroyed from the Ukrainian side, said the General Director of the enterprise Andrey Akulov. “Part of the dam, about half is in Russia and half in Ukraine. (…) We noticed that the dam is partially destroyed on the territory of Ukraine,” — said Akulov reporters on Monday in Armyansk. “Novaya Gazeta” on Friday published photos of the dam from the Ukraine, made using binoculars 16-fold increase, which shows that its integrity is compromised. When mixing salt water with the contents of kilocalories a chemical reaction — the release of hydrogen

Shot a witness in the case “the night Governor” Petersburg

Shot a witness in the case “the night Governor” Petersburg In the Leningrad region found the car with a murdered businessman Badri Shengelia held a witness in the case of corruption in the Investigative Committee and a former witness in the case against Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin). On Monday, September 17, reports “Interfax”. Upstairs According to the source Agency, the car was found around 13:30 on Novoryazanskoye highway, the owner was inside, his body was discovered a gunshot wound. The source said “the Tape.ru” that the car was made at least eight shots, one of the bullets hit him in the head; according to the preliminary experts ‘ opinion, it was deadly. The car some time stood in a ditch — a passing motorists believed that the driver simply lost control and drove off the road. In the Leningrad region opened a criminal case on the murder of 53-year-old Badri Shengelia.

Poisoned in Salisbury visitors of the restaurant took over the Russians

Poisoned in Salisbury visitors of the restaurant took over the Russians British media reported that the victims of poisoning at the restaurant in Salisbury allegedly were Russian, writes “Federal news Agency” referring to the newspaper Daily Mail. Upstairs Two people vacationing in the Italian restaurant Prezzo, suddenly felt bad, they needed medical help. They are conscious under the supervision of physicians. Police in Wiltshire said the lack of evidence of a link between the incident in a restaurant in Salisbury and poisoning a British agent, ex-employee of the Main intelligence Directorate (GRU) Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. Skripal and his daughter was found unconscious in the Park in Salisbury on 4 March. According to London, they have been exposed to toxic nerve agents “Beginner”, supposedly produced in Russia. June 30 in one of the houses in Amesbury were also found unconscious a man and a woman. A few days

The number of victims of hurricane “Florence” in the United States has risen to 15 people

The number of victims of hurricane “Florence” in the United States has risen to 15 people Moscow. September 16. INTERFAX.RU — the death toll from hurricane “Florence” in South and North Carolina has risen to 15 people, reported on Sunday Agency Associated Press. Наверх7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий Earlier it was reported about 11 victims. Three residents of South Carolina were killed in traffic accidents; two were poisoned by carbon monoxide after starting the generator. In North Carolina, several people were killed from electric shock, fires, and falling trees and traffic accidents. You’re going to hear it a lot, and really, it can’t be said too much: Turn around don’t drown. pic.twitter.com/grqA9aPMhm #TurnAroundDontDrown #Florence — Justin Michaels (@JMichaelsNews) 16 Sep 2018 Meanwhile, the authorities of North Carolina fear that in the next few days in the state may happen the most powerful flood in its history. The water level in the rivers has not

British police: poisoning at a restaurant in Salisbury is not related to “Newcomer”

British police: poisoning at a restaurant in Salisbury is not related to “Newcomer” TASS, September 17 — Earlier it was reported that two people felt ill after visiting the institution. Upstairs Police Wiltshire believes that feel unwell a couple in an Italian restaurant in Salisbury have been exposed to nerve agents “Beginner”. About it the Agency said Monday on its website. “Both were taken to the district hospital, Salisbury, and examined in a clinical setting. Now we can confirm that there is no reason to assume that “Newbie” is a substance [of poisoning]. Both remain in hospital under observation,” said the police. It is noted that while at the scene continue to work with law enforcement officers. On Sunday, County police reported that two people, a man and a woman, felt ill after a visit to Salisbury of the Prezzo restaurant, located 300 metres from the Zizzi restaurant, where the

The number of victims of Typhoon “Mangkhut” exceeded 60 people

The number of victims of Typhoon “Mangkhut” exceeded 60 people 59 people were killed, 47 were wounded, 16 missing as a result of Typhoon “Mangkhut” in the Philippines, reported the news portal Rappler on Sunday, September 16. Upstairs The mayor Victorio Itogon Pelanggan said that nearly 50 people could be locked in one of the barracks due to a landslide. According to local police, he destroyed four of the miners ‘ barracks. They killed 26 people, eight are still missing. This dramatic video shows rescuers preparing to save a man trapped in floodwaters in the Philippines. Mangkhut’Typhoon’s ferocious winds and pounding rain caused widespread flooding. The man in The video is now safe. https://t.co/72AjfeX1rN pic.twitter.com/LioIlui4uQ — CNN (@CNN) September 16, 2018 Earlier it was reported 32 dead and 29 missing. Typhoon “Mangkhut” reached the North-Eastern coast of the Philippines on the evening of 14 September. The wind gusts in some

British police cordoned off the restaurant in Salisbury

British police cordoned off the restaurant in Salisbury Moscow. September 16. INTERFAX.RU the Man and woman became ill after visiting the institution, located 300 metres from a restaurant and had lunch Sergei Skripal daughter. Upstairs Police have cordoned off the area adjacent to the Prezzo restaurant in Salisbury, said in a statement to the police of Wiltshire referenced by Sky News. It is noted that we are talking about the precautions taken after it became clear that two Diners, a man and a woman, became ill. The statement said that “at the scene police work, to find out why these people felt ill”. Trouble in Salisbury again on New Street near the cathedral, no sign of what’s happened but there’s 1 fire engine, 1 ambulance and 4 police cars, a man in a full white body suit with a mouth-mask and police not allowed to tell us what’s happening @BBCNews