Scientists named the most dangerous places on the bus during the pandemic

Specialists of the IBM Research Europe research center decided to find out how the virus spreads fastest in public transport. To do this, they built a model of air circulation in the bus cabin. In their study, the scientists took into account the indicators of humidity, evaporation, heat exchange of the dynamics of air and droplets, and the impact of ventilation systems. With the help of the resulting model, experts have identified the safest places, sitting on which passengers will be less likely to catch the virus. It turned out that during an unfavorable epidemiological situation, it is better to choose seats at the windows — there passengers inhale virus particles the least. In addition, sick passengers are less likely to infect others. The air they exhale is quickly picked up by the ventilation air currents and leaves the bus.  Also, passengers standing in the middle of the bus have

A video of the extraction of crystals from clay got into the Network

@pioneerpauly Pulling out a pair of crystals out of the clay! Unearthing pretty things for the first time is a neat feeling ?? ##crystals ##quartz ##fyp ♬ original sound – PioneerPauly Social media users are massively sharing a video in which several friends extract crystals from clay at a quartz deposit in Blue Springs, Arkansas. In the video, a man pulls a piece of stone sticking out of a block of clay. “It’s moving!” he repeats in anticipation. The next second it turns out that it is not a stone, but a piece of quartz in the form of an almost perfect crystal. After a few minutes, the miner finds another large crystal. At the mine of the company Avant Mining LLC, where the video was filmed, they are engaged not only in industrial quartz mining, but also let tourists into their territory who can try their luck and find

Ryabkov: Russia will put a barrier to the ongoing expansion of NATO

& quot; Our management has repeatedly said that & nbsp; we & nbsp; no longer & nbsp; can put up with the & nbsp; situation, & nbsp; & nbs proximity to & nbsp; our borders, we & nbsp; can & nbsp; be reconciled with & nbsp; NATO expansion. We & nbsp; will not & nbsp; just prevent it, we & nbsp; put a barrier & nbsp;, & nbsp; & mdash; Sergei Ryabkov said in an & nbsp; interview with Interfax. According to the diplomat, Moscow intends to achieve a sharp reduction in the military presence of the United States and NATO in the areas “where negative dynamics has been observed since 1997 during the talks on security guarantees.” “These are all essential elements of our position. We & nbsp; not & nbsp; can do without & nbsp; a serious in-depth conversation of this very topic in & nbsp; the course

A New Year’s concert from VKontakte will be shown on street screens in Moscow

On January 1, at 17:00, the main youth festive concert of the year “STAR Track: New Year VKontakte” will begin in the online community “Official Pages”. But it will be possible to watch it not only online, the show will be broadcast on the main street screens of the capital — on the facades of the cinema “October” and the hotel “Cosmos”, as well as on Taganskaya Square. The hosts of the show will be Vladimir Marconi and Alla Mikheeva, and those artists who are often listened to on VKontakte will take part in the concert. For example, the duo HammAli & Navai, whose “Bird” became the track of the year in VK Music, as well as the Big Baby Tape release BANDANA I, which he recorded with Kizaru and got into the top 10 albums. Also, their hits will be performed by “Hands up!”, “Leningrad”, Sergey Shnurov with his new

The approach of the wall of snow in the USA caught on video

Wow! This fast-moving snowstorm created whiteout conditions as it consumed Grover, Wyoming this afternoon! ?⚠️ Video sent in by: Roy Nelson#weather #stormhour #snow #wywx — Nash Rhodes (@NashWX) December 27, 2021 A resident of Wyoming in the USA named Roy Nelson accidentally filmed the spectacular approach of a snow storm. If a blizzard usually starts with a small snowfall, which gradually increases, you can notice something completely opposite on the video. A snow storm moves across the field towards the mountains in a monolithic wall – about the same way as tropical downpours move after a thunderstorm collar. “Just look at it! I’ve never seen anything like it!” – the voice of one of the observers behind the scenes is heard. “It’s a snow storm,” he adds. New Year’s sale: discounts up to – 60% Anna Lysenko Even more interesting things about nature

Putin announced the high efficiency of Sputnik V against the Omicron strain

“I spoke with the head of the Gamalei Institute (Alexander Ginzburg, director of the N. F. Gamalei Center – approx. TASS), they conducted research and “Sputnik V” precisely neutralizes the new strain “omicron”. He told me that only the clinic can give a definitive answer to the question to what extent, but the level of neutralization is very high,” Putin said (quoted by TASS). Earlier, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) reported that, according to preliminary data, Sputnik V demonstrates high virus neutralizing activity against Omicron. Revaccination with Sputnik Lite significantly increases the viral neutralizing activity against omicron two to three months after administration. The scheme of vaccination and revaccination with drugs remains the same, Ginzburg said. “Omicron” was discovered in southern Africa in early November. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this variant of the virus has 32 mutations — more than all previously known. These changes increase

​​A new time capsule of 1887 was discovered under a monument in the USA

They found it! This is likely the time capsule everyone was looking for. Conservators studying it—stay tuned for next steps! (Won’t be opened today) — Governor Ralph Northam (@GovernorVA) December 27, 2021 In the American city of Richmond, Virginia, at the end of December, builders discovered a new — already the second – time capsule hidden in the pedestal of the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. The fact that “greetings from the past” is hidden under the monument was known from historical documents stored in the local library. After dismantling the statue in September, workers found a metal box at its base, which experts carefully opened on December 23. However, what they saw put scientists at a dead end — the box itself was not copper, but lead, and instead of hundreds of artifacts left by residents of the city in 1887, they found only three books,

In Russia, for the first time since September, less than 22,000 cases of coronavirus have been detected

For the entire period of the pandemic in 10,437,152 cases of the disease were detected in Russia. 9,337,447 patients were cured of COVID-19, and 306,090 died. In Moscow, 1,705 cases of infection were detected during the day. 3111 people recovered from the virus in a day, 73 died. A high daily increase in the incidence of coronavirus was also registered in St. Petersburg — 1802 cases, Moscow region – 1574, Sverdlovsk region – 544, Irkutsk region – 529, Perm Region – 511 cases. As of December 24, the level of collective immunity to coronavirus in Russia is 60.4%. About 77.9 million Russians were vaccinated with the first component of the vaccine, 73.1 million people were fully vaccinated.

The State Duma proposed to ban officials from celebrating the New Year abroad

According to Khamzaev, rest for & nbsp; Russians should become cheaper, more comfortable and & nbsp; more pleasant than & nbsp; now. According to the & nbsp; deputy, for this & nbsp; officials should understand what tourist problems are in & nbsp; regions. “ I & nbsp; think that & nbsp; it will be right if on & nbsp; our New Year holidays officials will rest in & nbsp; Russia … So they will be able to understand the pain points in the & nbsp; tourism sector in & nbsp; each specific region and & nbsp; already work on & nbsp; so that these problems are reduced to & nbsp; zero & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Khamzaev said in an & nbsp; interview with RIA Novosti. The parliamentarian noted that & nbsp; representatives of the authorities in & nbsp; Russia talk about & nbsp; a sense of patriotism, but

Russian cosmonauts will celebrate the New Year with herring under a fur coat and cider

View this post on Instagram Post by Anton Shkaplerov (@anton_astrey) Cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov, who is currently on the ISS, told reporters about how he and his colleagues are going to celebrate the New Year. According to the cosmonaut, they already have all the necessary food supplies for the festive table: tangerines, black caviar and herring, from which they are going to cook a traditional “fur coat”. And instead of champagne, the astronauts will drink non-alcoholic apple cider, which their American colleagues brought for the holiday. The Russian crew will celebrate the New Year together with NASA astronauts and European Space Agency. And they will celebrate several times. According to Shkaplerov, according to tradition, the New Year is celebrated as many times as representatives of different countries are at the station. They will start celebrating from Moscow time, and then they will celebrate according to European and American. New Year’s sale: discounts