The migrants lead the way to the far East

The migrants lead the way to the far East

The interior Ministry has prepared a Concept of migration policy at 2018-2020, which involves the redirection of migration flows to the far East. The document implies the transfer of the Ministry of interior law on adaptation of migrants. This can lead to conflict between the Ministry and the Federal Agency for the Affairs of nationalities (FADH), which also claims these powers. Kommersant’s source close to the presidential administration, admits that in the end, the migration service can be recreated as a separate Agency.

Developed by the Ministry of internal Affairs (the Department handed over in 2016 powers in the field of migration after the dissolution of the FMS) document is intended to replace the existing concept of migration policy until 2025, which was adopted in 2012.

The need to update the concept, the authors explain “the political instability in various regions of the world,” which “enhances the migratory mobility” of the population. The interior Ministry speaks of the need “to create conditions for the involvement of Russians in the border, strategically important and deficient regions”.

One of the important objectives of the Ministry of interior believes “ensuring the migration flow on the territory of the Far East and the Baikal region of Russia”.

For visitors it is proposed to create infrastructure, facilitate access to educational, health and social services, to increase the lifting for the Russians to 1 million rubles According to the interior Ministry, in 2012-2016 the number of migrants in Russia has doubled compared to the years 2007-2011, the share of internal migrants was 88% and 12%.

The authors of the concept offer a differentiated approach to immigrants, particularly from countries with “unstable political situation”. The interior Ministry proposes to encourage “student and academic immigration”, “change the system” of issuing immigrant temporary residence permits, residence permits and Russian citizenship. How to improve this system, the concept is not specified.

In the framework of the program of adaptation of migrants, the interior Ministry proposes to promote “the development of culture of interethnic and interreligious relations, the formation of the immigrants and the host society intercultural skills”, to counter “xenophobia, national and racial intolerance”.

You need to “create centers of information and legal support for immigrants, courses in Russian language, history and culture, as well as the creation of a special channel and cycles of the program.”

To deal with the issues of adaptation of migrants not only wants MIA: FADH already included this issue in the state program “the Implementation of gosnatspolitiki for the period 2017-2025 years.”

Instructions to determine till June 1, the Agency that will deal with the adaptation of migrants at the end of last year the President made. The desire to address issues of adaptation of migrants said in FADH, the Department has included this issue in the prepared state program “the Implementation of gosnatspolitiki for the period 2017-2025 years.” However, developed in April a draft decree on the appointment of FADH by the authorized authority in the sphere of immigrants ‘ adaptation is not yet signed.

According to a source “” in FADH, problem resources: “Ministry of economy and Finance Ministry is not against the transfer to the Agency of these features, but no promise of money and people. We were given five additional staff positions, but that’s not enough, we even asked 30 people to create the control.”

According to a source “” close to the AP, “there is talk about the need to re-establish a migration service”. “It has become clear that the problems around the world to provide immigrants, require complex solutions, including adaptation”, — he explained. According to the interlocutor of Kommersant, “if the FMS Konstantin Romodanovsky with a huge camera did not cope with migration flows, FADH can not do it, and the interior Ministry — power Ministry, he has other functions.” In the Ministry of interior to the operational review was not possible.

“Everything you need to move to the far East, there is the concept of demographic development of the Far East till 2025 (approved by the government on 20 June 2017) — said the head of the Center for socio-economic studies of population Olga Vorobyov.— Population growth in the far East impossible, the population can grow only due to immigration”. However, all good wishes to MIA, she said, “can’t be implemented without in-demand specialists,” but there is “insufficient skilled jobs, or people would not leave”.

Natalia Gorodetskaya

