On the Ob river found drifting tow with a drunk team

On the Ob river found drifting tow with a drunk team

NOVOSIBIRSK, June 26 — RIA Novosti. The crew of the ship on the Ob river in the Tomsk region found drifting tug with drunk crew on Board, being tested, said on Monday the Office of transport Ministry of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal district.

The police explained that the message of free-drifting river pusher received in a call center of Tomsk linear Department (LO) of the Ministry of interior of Russia from the captain of the ship “Sobol”, which made the control of navigation equipment. The incident occurred on the fairway of the river Ob in Kolpashevsky district, Tomsk region.

“Team official ship of the Tomsk district of waterways and navigation noticed unmanaged tug with a dead engine. When you try to get in touch with him, received no answer, then the captain of the ship decided to go to the empty ship. On deck and in the captain’s cabin was empty, three members of the crew members slept in cabins. Mechanic, cook and helmsman-motorman were in a state of alcoholic intoxication, as established during the medical examination”, — stated in the message.

Transport police said the ship urgently moored to the shore. Verification of circumstances and identify the perpetrators, prevent uncontrolled floating of the pusher on the ship course.

