Indian authorities advised pregnant women to abstain from meat and thoughts about sex

The government of India advised pregnant women not to eat meat and eggs, and to refrain from thinking about sex. About it reports The Guardian with reference to the booklet “Care for mother and child”, issued by the Ministry dealing with promotion of traditional Indian and Tibetan medicine.

According to doctors, this advice is very dangerous for expectant mothers. “The government gives pseudo-scientific and irrational tips instead to provide pregnant women with nutritious food with high protein content”, — commented on the decision of the Indian authorities gynecologist Arun Gadre.

He added that the authorities had ignored the advice of doctors that women must eat meat, which is rich in protein, and also the resolution to enter into an intimate relationship, not fearing for the health of the child.

In the booklet, in particular, stating that pregnant women should refrain from “anger, hate and lust.”

Minister for the development of traditional Indian medicine Shlipak of need stated that the recommendations of the Indian authorities contains “the wisdom of the centuries.”

According to The Guardian, a third of India’s population lives on less than two dollars a day. Many barely manage to eat once a day. Often women share their portions with children and husbands.

Prime Minister Narendra modi is a well — known supporter of traditional Indian medicine. In November 2014, he said that conventional medicine and Ayurveda do not exclude each other. After some time in the country, a Ministry whose goal is to promote the traditional Indian and Tibetan medicine, including yoga and Ayurveda.

