FMBA: about 10 companies ready to provide discounts and rewards to blood donors

FMBA: about 10 companies ready to provide discounts and rewards to blood donors

MOSCOW, June 15. /TASS/. Blood service of the Federal medical-biological Agency (FMBA) runs a loyalty program for donors of blood, to which have joined about 10 companies willing to provide discounts and bonuses for regular donors. This was announced by the head of the FMBA Vladimir Uiba.

“About 10 business representatives has already agreed to participate in the program. In General, their number is not limited. The program we have already launched, <…> any person coming to us blood donor has become a member of the program,” — said Uiba, answering the question TASS.

Among the participants — the airline “UTair”, the network “Magnet”, LG and others. Discounts for blood donors will be in effect for two months. That’s how much need to human body to recover after giving blood.

The experts noted that the main goal of the program is to create a system of regular loyal donors. “Our goal is not just to give discounts, but also to initiate the re-arrival of the donor,” — said Uiba.

The website of the program of development of donorship is a section of the main site “I am donor”, where anyone can choose their region and familiarize with offers of companies. “The discount will be provided on a printed flyer and displayed on the screen of the smartphone,” — said the chief doctor of the blood Center of FMBA of Sofia Golosova. Also already launched a mobile app where wishing to become partners of the campaign can sign up.

The administration also noted that now the number of donors in Russia sufficient to cover the clinical need of health blood supply for three years. More, according to him, the blood plasma must not be stored. Therefore, the aim of this loyalty program in the first place is to form a network of regular donors. According to experts, a donor who gives blood regularly and continuously, more reliable, as it monitors their health.

