The Federation Council has responded to plans of the U.S. Senate to impose new sanctions against Moscow

Igor Morozov

A number of representatives of political elite of the USA intend to disrupt any positive agreement that may be reached during the announced meeting of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and his us counterpart Donald trump on the sidelines of the G20. This view was expressed by a member of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Igor Morozov, reports RT on Tuesday, June 13.

“The us Congress continues to escalate the anti-Russian hysteria and to do everything possible to prevent the first meeting of the tramp and Russian President Vladimir Putin any positive arrangements that can improve our relationship or to set the direction for their warming,” said Morozov.

Thus he commented on the message about the us Senate bill providing toughening anti-Russian sanctions. According to him, this is “primarily “party of war”, which included both Republicans and Democrats, and the Pentagon”.

Earlier on Tuesday it became known that members of the Senate of the U.S. Congress agreed on new measures to exert pressure on Russia. In addition, us lawmakers plan to deny the White house the right to remove existing anti-Russian restrictions.

The new measures will be introduced “in response to the violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and Crimea, the brazen cyber attack and interference with elections (US presidential elections in 2016 — approx. “Of the”) and the ongoing aggression in Syria.” They will include mandatory consideration of the question of lifting the sanctions against Moscow even before it wants to make the White house, explained to journalists the Chairman of the Senate foreign Affairs Committee Bob Corker.

Special services and a number of US politicians impose on Russia responsible for a series of cyber attacks perpetrated during the presidential election campaign in the country. This, in particular, according to a declassified version of a report prepared by the CIA, FBI and NSA and published in early January. The paper argues that Vladimir Putin personally ordered to organize a campaign in order to influence U.S. elections and to achieve victory trump. Moscow consistently denies all allegations.

