The revised time and place of occurrence of the person reasonable

The revised time and place of occurrence of the person reasonable

An international team of paleontologists has revised the time and place of occurrence of the person reasonable (Homo sapiens). A study published in the journal Nature, and briefly about it, reports Science News.

Experts have discovered on the territory of modern Morocco remains the oldest known representative of Homo sapiens. A reasonable man dwelt in the North-Western part of Africa 300 thousand years ago.

Only the authors investigated 22 fragment skulls, jaws, teeth, feet and hands of five people, among whom was at least one child.

In Photos: Oldest Homo Sapiens Fossils Ever Found

— Live Science (@LiveScience) June 8, 2017

From modern representatives of Homo sapiens remains found in Morocco, are distinguished by an elongated back of the skull and large teeth, making them look like Neanderthals.

Previously, the oldest remains of Homo sapiens were considered was found on the territory of modern Ethiopian samples, whose age is estimated at 200 thousand years.

Experts agree that the find will make progress in understanding how and when the emergence of the Neanderthals and the CRO-magnons (ancient Homo sapiens).

Oldest known fossils of our species, Homo sapiens, have been unearthed in Morocco. Story by @MalcolmRitter:

— AP Health & Science (@APHealthScience) 7 Jun 2017

