About 100 houses in Moscow were excluded from participation in the renovation programme

Sergei Sobyanin

About 100 residents of houses in Moscow voted against the inclusion of their homes in a renovation programme. This was stated by the mayor Sergei Sobyanin, reports TASS.

“There are a number of houses — about a hundred who vote against, and we’ these houses posted on the portal. You can go to see. If more than one third of the inhabitants voted against, we automatically turn off the house renovation project and do not intend to touch him — live quietly, no one to disturb you will not” — said Sobyanin.

The mayor admitted that some houses could be included in the list by mistake, but according to him, the vast majority of residents support the program.

The first 18 houses, whose residents during the voting and wished to refuse the demolition, was identified in late may. Earlier in the same month it was reported that after consultations of the Department of cultural heritage of Moscow with specialists of the public movement “Arhnadzor” from the list was deleted more than 200 buildings that are architectural heritage of constructivism.

In the voting, which began may 15, may benefit the owners of apartments in 4546 houses, which were included in the preliminary list for demolition. Make choice in these centres “My documents” and the electronic system of the Active citizen, until 15 June.

The resettlement programme will start in autumn 2017. The first district will be Beskudnikovo in the North of Moscow. Residents of the demolished houses will provide new apartments in the same or nearby area.

To demolish Moscow Khrushchev and build in their place new housing capital town Governor requested in February, Russian President Vladimir Putin.

