Open a hot planet

Open a hot planet

An international team of astronomers have discovered the hottest exoplanet. A study published in the journal Nature.

Temperature facing the sun the atmosphere of a hot Jupiter KELT-9b (HD 195689 b) is 4.6 thousand degrees Kelvin (about 4327 degrees Celsius, as the orange dwarf). Conditions in the gas shell of the celestial body are such that, most likely, there are no molecules (matter is atomic or ionized state).

With temperatures reaching over 4300°C, KELT-9b is the warmest world ever discovered

— New Scientist (@newscientist) June 5, 2017

Exoplanet revolves around the parent star KELT-9 (HD 195689) with a period of 1.48 days and at a distance of 0.03 astronomical units. Celestial body about 2.88 times heavier and 6.75 times bigger of Jupiter.

Shone KELT-9 is about 2.5 times heavier and 13.14 times greater than the Sun. The effective surface temperature of the star — 10,17 thousands of degrees Kelvin (the Sun is approximately 5.8 thousand Kelvin) in the spectral classification of a celestial body is located between the stars of types A and B.

Research system KELT-9 was carried out by observatories in the KELT (Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope).

Previously, the hottest exoplanet was considered WASP-33 b (HD 15082 b), the effective surface temperature which is estimated at 3.3 million degrees Kelvin. According to a new study from its sun KELT-9b gets 700 times more x-radiation than WASP-33 b.

