Patriarch Kirill drew a parallel between the spiritual world and mobile phones
Moscow. June 4. INTERFAX.RU — Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill told how to “connect” to the spiritual world.
At the same time, as he said, “in order to this field to connect, no phones not work, no technological progress, no power of the mind.”
“To this divine power we are connected through our faith, through baptism and Chrismation, through prayer. And the voice of God very often in our life sounds stronger than any voice we hear on the phone. The voice of God appears in our minds, in our conscience,” said the Primate.
According to him, when people, especially in difficult moments of life, turn to God, then receive a response.
“And if they weren’t there, none of us would today in this square stood, and temples would have these, no one would not have built this beauty. It is because people mind and heart feel God’s presence”, — said the Patriarch.
He urged to resist attempts to destroy faith in God.
“It is necessary that most born babies are baptized not only in our country but throughout the world, to chain between man and God is closed through the participation in the Holy mysteries,” added Patriarch Kirill.