Scientists have described the relationship between the TV in the bedroom and childhood obesity

Scientists have described the relationship between the TV in the bedroom and childhood obesity

The experiment involved 12 thousand children.

The presence of a TV in the bedroom have children seriously increases the risk of development of obesity. This is the conclusion after the experiment made by scientists from University College London. Their research tells the BBC.

The experiment involved 12 thousand children. More than half of them from the age of seven in the bedroom was the TV. The researchers asked parents to estimate the amount of time their child spends watching TV. When the children turned 11, they checked their body mass index and percent of body fat.

As it turned out, those children whose bedrooms with seven years was TV, the risk of obesity increased. For boys 20%, girls — 30%. This difference scientists explain the lower physical activity of girls at this age.

The next step will be a study of the relationship between obesity in children and availability of computer and mobile phone.

