The court arrested the policy Maltsev for 15 days

The court arrested the policy Maltsev for 15 days

MOSCOW, 14 APR — RIA Novosti. The Tver court of Moscow has appointed 15 days of administrative arrest policy Vyacheslav Maltsev for disobeying police at an unsanctioned rally on March 26 in Moscow, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom.

“Recognize Maltsev guilty, sentenced him to administrative arrest for 15 days,” said judge Alex Stuclies.

#Saratov detained the politician Vyacheslav #Maltsev

— Obzor Press (@Obzor_Press) 13 APR 2017.

Protocol Maltsev drawn up under article 19.3 of the administrative code (disobedience to police).

As announced by the court Protocol, Maltsev participated March 26 in an unsanctioned rally and was moving in a convoy. “Maltsev began to struggle, pushing away the police officers than demonstrated refusal to comply with the requirements of the police,” announced the judge Alex Stacklies Protocol.

In reviewing administrative action was questioned, which at the policy Protocol officer Alexander Sokolov. “March 26 I was on duty at the Belarus station and the surrounding area. I saw a group of people shouting “Down with Dimona”. Next to the citizen formed a large group. We went up to him to invite him for a preventive conversation about the inadmissibility of unauthorized charges, but he began to resist, to push us, screaming, “Help!” Some citizens prevented his arrest, after I saw that on some (police — ed.) torn shoulder straps and other details of the uniforms,” said a police officer Sokolov.

Maltsev himself denies disobedience. The politician said that he “March 26, was walking along Tverskaya street”.

People in uniform asked me to follow him for a chat, they surrounded me, I resistance and disobedience had, on the contrary went where I was invited.Vyacheslav Maltsev

Previously Basmanny court of Moscow sanctioned the search in the apartment of Saratov talks in the framework of the case initiated under article 318 of the criminal code (violence against a representative of authorities). Maltsev was arrested in the city of Saratov in the apartment after the search.

“I have cut the door. Then flown to Moscow and have brought to Petrovka, the headquarters of the criminal investigation Department, where they interrogated me. Then was brought to the Tverskoy police Department, and from there was taken to the police station “Luzhniki”, where I spent the night,” — said the detainee policies.

