CNN: US Secretly Approves $ 200 Million Additional Military Aid To Ukraine In December

According to & nbsp; their & nbsp; information, the United States intends to supply Ukraine with small arms, ammunition, medical equipment, radar surveillance equipment. By the & nbsp; present moment, deliveries have not & nbsp; begun, CNN sources clarify. The US Congress was notified of & nbsp; the allocation of additional assistance to Kiev in & nbsp; in early January.

At the end of December last year, US President Joe Biden signed the country's defense budget for & nbsp; 2022 fiscal year in the amount of about & nbsp; $ 770 billion. that & nbsp; $ 300 & nbsp; million will be allocated for & nbsp; military assistance to Ukraine, another 150 & nbsp; million will be spent on & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; cooperation in & nbsp; security with the & nbsp; Baltic countries.

Washington with & nbsp; 2014 allocated $ 2 , 5 billion for & nbsp; support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In & nbsp; 2021, more than $ 450 & nbsp; million of assistance was allocated to Ukraine for & nbsp; security tasks. The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & nbsp; of the Russian Federation, Maria Zakharova, noted that & nbsp; the supply of weapons and & nbsp; military equipment to & nbsp; Ukrainian territory by NATO member states could push Kiev to & nbsp; attempts to resolve the conflict in the & nbsp; southeast of the country by force.

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