Details of Saddam Hussein's detention revealed

According to & nbsp; he was & nbsp; was with & nbsp; the US military who were carrying out the & nbsp; operation to detain Hussein About eight months after he started working with & nbsp; they received classified information about & nbsp; his whereabouts. “ This place was located on a & nbsp; farm, literally & nbsp; a few meters from & nbsp; Tiger, & nbsp; 50 meters or even closer, in & nbsp; El Maabar area & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; clarified the ex-translator.

Hussein's whereabouts were identified in & nbsp; as a result of spying on & nbsp; his security guard, who was buying up the best goods in the & nbsp; markets, “ goods of certain brands '', which aroused suspicions. A detachment of American special forces was sent to the & nbsp; place, and a landing party also landed there. “ Several people were taken out of there. After they were & nbsp; taken out, I & nbsp; asked what kind of & nbsp; people & hellip; My officer said & nbsp; & mdash; this is President Saddam Hussein and & nbsp; special forces, sent to detain him, even we were forbidden to approach & nbsp; him & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; the translator said. The ex-president was evacuated by & nbsp; a helicopter.

At the & nbsp; site of the operation on an & nbsp; area of ​​about & nbsp; a square kilometer & nbsp; & mdash; in the & nbsp; room and & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; farm where Hussein was, sprayed with sleep gas. In the & nbsp; room where Hussein was hiding, 3.5 meters wide and & nbsp; about & nbsp; 4 meters long, there were two beds. Of the & nbsp; things of the ex-president there were two pairs of orthopedic shoes, expensive clothes, perfume and & nbsp; personal items & nbsp; & mdash; the president's wristwatch, several photographs of his family, a dictaphone with & nbsp; blank tape, audio recordings made by him, and & nbsp; also valuable things, in particular, a personal revolver. Most of the Hussein's personal items and & nbsp; even food was stolen, some of the military took his things as a & nbsp; memory.



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