The Federation Council explained why Russia does not impose fines for refusing the vaccine

“We do not have mandatory vaccination. Therefore, a fine for refusing vaccination cannot be supported,” he explained.

On the eve of the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said that the authorities are studying the experience of other countries on the introduction of fines for refusing to vaccinate: “<...> let’s see how effective it is, how applicable.”

Earlier, Austria announced the consideration of such a possibility. They have developed a bill according to which, in case of refusal of vaccination, a citizen will be summoned to the district administrative body. If he refuses, he will be called again, and if he does not appear again, he will face a fine of €3.6 thousand or imprisonment for four weeks. With the following refusals, the amount of the fine will increase to € 7.2 thousand.

While the initiative is being discussed and not legally fixed. If the law is passed, it may come into effect in February.

The Kremlin has repeatedly stressed that it does not plan to fine for refusing to vaccinate against COVID-19 at the federal level. In October, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov called such measures “unrealistic.” “They contradict the social character of our state, and the social character of our state is written in our Constitution, and the biggest supporter of this social character is President Putin,” he explained.

In November, Peskov, commenting on the Austrian initiative, said that in There are no plans to introduce fines in Russia.

President Vladimir Putin, in turn, stressed that Russia in matters of vaccination is “not on the path of coercion, but on the path of persuasion.” He also added that the authorities are trying to combat prejudices and prejudices related to vaccinations. According to him, recently “it brings the desired result.”

According to the operational headquarters, the number of primary and repeated vaccinations against coronavirus in Russia has exceeded 76.5 million, collective immunity is 58.2%.



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