The State Duma approved the bill on QR codes in public places in the first reading

The State Duma adopted in the first reading a bill on & nbsp; mandatory use of QR codes in & nbsp; public places. 329 deputies voted for & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; 87.

The bill, which the government submitted to the State Duma in November, suggests that QR codes will be required to visit public events, cultural institutions, cafes and shops.

The QR code can be obtained from & nbsp; as confirmation of vaccination, transferred COVID-19 or the presence of a medical withdrawal from & nbsp; vaccination. During the & nbsp; time of the transition period until & nbsp; February 1 & nbsp; it will be possible to present a negative PCR test, after this date such an opportunity will only be available for & nbsp; people who cannot & nbsp; be vaccinated against coronavirus for & nbsp; medical reasons.

The State Duma Committee on & nbsp; Security and Anti-Corruption on December 14 & nbsp; recommended the adoption of the bill in the & nbsp; first reading. With & nbsp; this, the committee noted that & nbsp; in the & nbsp; document, it is necessary to work out a number of issues, including medical contraindications for & nbsp; vaccination and & nbsp; the validity period of the code for & nbsp; medical removal, and & nbsp; also to think over how the QR code can be received by Russians who have been ill who have not accessed & nbsp; in & nbsp; medical institutions or were asymptomatic, and & nbsp; also those who & nbsp; were vaccinated with Russian vaccines abroad or foreign drugs.

In addition, against the & nbsp; background of the imposition of restrictions, the State Duma recommended that the government ensure systematic monitoring of economic indicators and & nbsp; work out proposals and & nbsp; when a support measure is needed.

A third of Russians surveyed supported the introduction of QR codes

Together with the & nbsp; bill on & nbsp; QR codes in & nbsp; public places, the government has introduced a bill on & nbsp; the use of QR codes in & nbsp; and long-distance trains & nbs; December he was removed from & nbsp; consideration. According to the & nbsp; press secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, one way or another, work on the & nbsp; document will continue.

President Vladimir Putin noted that & nbsp; the introduction of QR codes on & nbsp; transport before the & nbsp; New Year can create many problems for Russians … “ Now on New Year’s Eve, it seems to me, to introduce restrictions of this kind & nbsp; & mdash; a rather complicated story & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he.

