The advantages of the upgraded Chrysanthemum rocket are named

Military expert Litovkin: the upgraded Chrysanthemum will become invisible to the enemy “. Dmitry Litovkin, editor-in-chief of Nezavisimo Voenniy Obozreniye, called TASS the advantages of improved ammunition.

Litovkin noted that the upgraded warhead would increase the missile's ability to hit equipment protected by screens. According to him, the speed of the rocket can also become higher, which will increase the efficiency of overcoming active protection means.

“The most important thing is that the complex fires a supersonic missile, which short-range air defense systems, as a rule, do not even see.” , – said Litovkin. The expert added that the use of a rocket in helicopters will allow attacking enemy air defenses while staying out of the affected area.

The military expert also noted the Chrysanthemum's resistance to the effects of electronic warfare.

Previously, the representative The Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (KBM, part of the High-Precision Complexes holding of the Rostec State Corporation) spoke about the modernization of Chrysanthemum. The ammunition will be adapted for use in the armament of the Mi-28NM and Ka-52M helicopters.

