South Africa revealed the severity of the disease due to the omicron-strain of coronavirus

Ministry of Health of South Africa: omicron-strain causes mild disease in those who have been vaccinated

The new omicron-strain of coronavirus causes mild disease in people who have been vaccinated, but the unvaccinated may face hospitalization. The head of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of South Africa (South Africa) Joe Paahla revealed the severity of the disease due to the new variant of COVID-19, reports TASS.

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According to the official, South Africa has data confirming that the omicron variant of COVID-19 is easily transmitted from person to person. “All those who have not yet been vaccinated against coronavirus should be vaccinated as soon as possible in order to protect themselves from it,” the head of the Ministry of Health advised.

The Minister noted that South Africa is approaching the fourth wave of the pandemic. Paahla pointed out that the epicenter of the new strain remains in the metropolitan province of Gauteng. “Over the past seven days, the number of COVID-19 cases has skyrocketed. The rise of the current wave is much steeper than the three previous ones, “he said.

Earlier, the Center for Epidemiological Modeling and Analysis of the Republic of South Africa (RSA) and the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIHI) warned after joint research that The omicron strain of coronavirus is three times more infectious to people with previous COVID-19 history than previous variants. The fact of recovery from previous variants of the coronavirus does not provide protection against the omicron strain.



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