Russians were advised against buying apartments in Crimea for resale

Economist Reutov: growth in prices for residential real estate in Crimea will slow down

In the foreseeable future, growth in prices for residential real estate in Crimea will slow down. Viktor Reutov, director of the Institute of Economics and Management of the KFU named after Vernadsky, said this on the air of Komsomolskaya Pravda radio.

According to the expert, currently the Crimean housing market is on the rise, but buying square meters for resale is no longer so appropriate. “Investing in real estate in the hope that prices will rise in the same way as in 2021 is not worth it,” Reutov advised the Russians. He believes that the price limit for apartments has been reached on the peninsula, so in the future it will rise in price by no more than an inflation rate of eight percent.

As the specialist noted, the reason for the explosive demand and growth in property prices in Crimea in In 2020-2021, the Central Bank's key rate was cut, which made it possible to issue cheap mortgages. Now the regulator is raising the interest rate, so the demand for housing will begin to decline, concluded Reutov.

Earlier, Crimea was predicted a long-term housing shortage. To eliminate it, it will be necessary to build another 11 million square meters of residential real estate, said a local expert.

