Police detain man with shotgun outside UN headquarters

US police: a man with a gun at the UN headquarters wanted to transfer documents

– UN apartments in New York, no one was hurt. This was reported by TASS with reference to a representative of the city's police department.

According to him, the incident at the organization's building was not related to terrorism. The detainee's weapon was loaded with one cartridge.

The employees who entered into negotiations with the man, whose identity was not disclosed, found that he wanted to transfer “some papers” to the UN. A police spokesman clarified that among them were medical documents and other records that do not explain the motives of the detainee.

The man arrived in New York on December 1 from Florida and checked into the Milenium Hotel. Law enforcers searched his room. The police have not yet brought charges against the detainee.

Earlier, the police received several reports of an armed man near the headquarters of the organization. All UN staff were called on to hide inside the headquarters, the complex was closed. Later, law enforcement officials said that there was no threat to employees and passers-by.



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