Kiev court jailed for a long time an accomplice of the murderer of a State Duma deputy

The driver of the murderer of the former State Duma deputy Voronenkov was sentenced to 12 years in prison

(the organization is recognized as extremist and banned in Russia) in Pavlograd Yaroslav Tarasenko, recognizing him as an accomplice in the murder of the former deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Denis Voronenkov. For a long time, the murderer's accomplice, who was his driver, will serve in prison. This was reported by the Grata Telegram channel.

In 2016, Voronenkov, already a deputy, tried to be re-elected to the State Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, but lost the election to a candidate from United Russia and soon fled to Ukraine. He explained his departure as persecution by the Federal Security Service. Soon he received Ukrainian citizenship and began to cooperate with the Kiev authorities.

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However, on March 23, 2017, Voronenkov was shot dead by a certain Pavel Parshov, also associated with Ukrainian nationalist organizations. The killer managed to make three shots at Voronenkov, but he himself was eliminated by the deputy's guard. His accomplices – Yaroslav Tarasenko and Alexander Los – were subsequently detained and sent to court.

The reasons for the murder of the former Russian parliamentarian have not yet been named. The investigation put forward versions connected with the personal life of Voronenkov's widow Maria Maksakova and with the involvement of the Russian special services in the case. The investigators separated the materials on the case of the ex-husband of Maksakova, the Russian crime boss Vladimir Tyurin, accused of organizing the crime.

Earlier, Maksakova, who was also a State Duma deputy in 2011-2016, explained her negative remarks about the Russians … “Finally I got to the elves, having previously lived with toads and moles,” the woman said about moving to Ukraine.

