Russian auto lawyer urged to adjust the definition of “dangerous driving”

Auto lawyer Radko called the term “dangerous driving” unclear and urged him to correct it

In Russia the term “dangerous driving” is so vague, that any actions of a motorist can fall under this definition. Sergei Radko, a lawyer with the Freedom of Choice public movement of motorists, told Izvestia about this. He urged to correct this concept as soon as possible.

Radko explained that it is impossible to punish drivers for a fuzzy concept, as this will create preconditions both for avoiding the responsibility of true violators and for bringing innocents to it.

“At the moment, this concept is in a version that completely excludes the possibility of its use in practice,” – said the auto lawyer.

On the eve of the State Duma deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia developed a bill, according to which penalties for dangerous driving are established .

According to the chairman of the Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Yaroslav Nilov, aggressive driving can only be committed deliberately, with the awareness of the illegal nature of their actions. This, as noted by the authors of the document, is evidenced by numerous videos on social networks in which drivers arrange races on the roads and demonstrate disrespect for other road users.

The bill establishes a fine for aggressive driving in the amount of five thousand rubles, the deputy said … Repeated violation will be punished with a fine of five to ten thousand rubles or deprivation of driver's documents for up to a year.



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