Roscosmos will be able to deliver tens of tons to Jupiter

“Roskosmos”: nuclear tug “Zeus” will be able to deliver tens of tons to the satellites of Jupiter tons of payload to the satellites of Jupiter, said at the All-Russian forum of cosmonautics and aviation “CosmoStart 2021” the executive director of Roscosmos for promising programs and science Alexander Bloshenko. His words are reported by TASS.

“The solutions that we are laying down will make it possible to deliver tens of tons of payload, for example, to the satellites of Jupiter. Now you cannot deliver such a mass of payload by any other means. It is not about the mass of the entire apparatus, but about the mass of the payload, which is scientific equipment, special sounding radar equipment, “the specialist said.

The Executive Director of the State Corporation for Advanced Programs and Science recalled that in at present, only light loads can be delivered to the largest planet in the solar system. “If we are talking about a kilogram or a fraction of a kilogram, then you can launch a small probe,” Bloshenko clarified.

In August, Dmitry Rogozin, General Director of the state corporation, announced breakthrough results for Roscosmos, which will be provided by a drip refrigerator test. emitter for Zeus on the ISS. In his opinion, the nuclear tug will make it possible to move large stations and orbital modules around the solar system and beyond.

