Travel inside the Moscow Ring Road was offered to be paid

Entrepreneur Davydov proposed to introduce a “collection against traffic jams” for travel inside the Moscow Ring Road

against traffic jams “. This initiative is published on the website of the project “20 Ideas for the Development of Russia.” Davydov advised to make the minimum duty 100 rubles – it should not apply to public transport, taxis, motorcycles and emergency vehicles. Disabled people, pensioners and other beneficiaries should be provided with discounts.

In the future, it is proposed to increase and adapt the entry tariff depending on the city districts and their traffic congestion. Davydov developed a transport model based on experience in dealing with congestion in other countries. The businessman hopes that with the introduction of toll fares within the Moscow Ring Road, Muscovites will spend less time on the road.

At the end of October, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs offered to take money for the passage of trucks on regional roads. The organization promised not to overstate tariffs, to repair the tracks and keep their free counterparts.



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