Lavrov predicted a catastrophe for Ukraine

Lavrov: The OSCE should send a signal to Kiev that the revision of the Minsk Agreements is unacceptable provisions of the Minsk agreements. He spoke about this during a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), TASS reports

“No alternative basis” for resolving the situation in Donbass.

He also stressed that the internal Ukrainian crisis will not be overcome until Kiev stops evading the implementation of the legal obligations assumed under the Minsk agreements, in particular – direct dialogue with Donetsk and Lugansk.

Earlier, Sergei Lavrov said about “impudent” Ukraine and pointed out its aggressiveness towards the Minsk agreements and Russia. According to the minister, behind such behavior of the Ukrainian leadership is an attempt to provoke the West to support Kiev's “militant aspirations”.



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