Rashkin's lawyer commented on the criminal case against the deputy

Rashkin's lawyer Bidzhev said that the actions of the deputy did not contain corpus delicti

the case of illegal hunting, there was no corpus delicti. Such a comment in a conversation with “The Secret of Firmy” was given by the lawyer of the Moscow branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Mukhamed Bidzhev, who represents the interests of the politician.

According to the lawyer, the case was initiated illegally, and in the whole situation there is a political order. Formally, Bidzhev noted, the head of the Investigative Committee (IC) Alexander Bastrykin had the right to initiate a criminal case against Rashkin.

At the same time, the procedure established by the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC), the Constitution and the law “On the status of deputy of the State Duma “. The materials that the Prosecutor General received from the Investigative Committee and submitted to the State Duma related to part 1 of Article 258 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which says about illegal hunting with causing major damage, and not about part 2 of the same article, which refers to a crime involving the use of official position. added the lawyer.

In this situation, “the political order and bias is obvious,” the lawyer said. “If we act in accordance with the law, then the case itself has been initiated completely illegally and must be terminated immediately,” Bidzhev emphasized.

Earlier it became known that the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, opened a criminal case against State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkina.

On November 25, the State Duma voted to deprive the communist of his parliamentary immunity. This happened after Rashkin was detained in October in the Saratov region while driving a car, in which the carcass of a dead elk was found.

