Dzhigan was sued for gay propaganda

Rapper Djigan was accused of gay propaganda and insults because of videos about “cockerels”

accusing him of gay propaganda and insults. This is reported by Starhit.

Chairman of the All-Russian public movement “National Parents' Committee”, psychologist of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University Yuri Obolonsky demanded a million rubles from the hip-hop artist as moral compensation. Oblonsky went to court because of Djigan's videos about “cockerels.”

“He took actions that I perceived as propaganda of homosexuality among minors, which violates paragraph 4 of part 2 of Art. 5 FZ of December 29, 2010 N 436-FZ (as amended on July 1, 2021). In addition, Dzhigan has repeatedly insulted and humiliated the honor and dignity of both my person and the audience covered by these posts, which was forced to listen and watch humiliating videos, because they subscribed to him as a public figure and rap artist, as well as the father of four minors. children, ”the psychologist said in his address.

The social activist believes that Djigan’s statements lead to the undermining of traditional values ​​and a demographic crisis. The first meeting on this case will be held on December 22.

In March 2020, Dzhigan was taken to a rehabilitation center. The drunk musician arranged a live broadcast on his Instagram, while he drank, swore and called netizens “cockerels”.

