Former Argentine President Accused Of Illegal Surveillance

BBC News: Former Argentine President Macri Accused Of Spying On Citizens the families of the crew of the San Juan submarine, which crashed in November 2017. This is reported by BBC News.

The judge said that the former state leader violated the country's intelligence laws, as he demanded a dossier on the relatives of the victims of the submarine disaster, who accused the Argentine Navy of negligence. According to the investigators, the Federal Intelligence Agency (FRA) was engaged in spying on families in 2017-2018.

Bava decided to seize Macri's assets totaling about a million dollars and banned him from leaving the country. The politician himself denies all charges against him. “I did not spy on anyone, I never ordered anyone in my government to spy on anyone,” he stressed.

The San Juan submarine stopped communicating on November 15, 2017 in the Bay area Sao Jorge is approximately 240 nautical miles offshore. According to the latest reports, the ship was ferrying from Ushuaia to Mar del Plata. On board the submarine, built in 1985 at a German shipyard, there were 44 crew members. After a year of searching, on November 16, 2018, the submarine was found at a depth of 800 meters.



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