EU-sponsored prisons for migrants in Libya leaked

The Outlaw Ocean Project: EU sponsors camps in Libya that torture and kill migrants

The European Union (EU) sponsors Libya, where migrants from Africa are tortured and killed. This became known from the investigation of Ian Urbina, the founder of The Outlaw Ocean Project, which studies crimes on water.

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The journalist claims that the European Union has achieved a decrease in the rate of migration from African countries to Europe by creating special camps controlled by the Libyan “Office for Combating Illegal Migration”, which are actually prisons with terrible conditions of detention.

For example, in the west of the Libyan capital Tripoli, in January 2021, a complex of former cement storage warehouses was surrounded by high walls with barbed wire, where a prison for migrants appeared, under the control of the Zintan Brigades, one of the most powerful armed groups in the country. In such camps, refugees are kept in overcrowded cells without charge and without access to medical care and protection.

Urbina draws attention to the fact that it was in the EU that funds were allocated to create a similar system of curbing illegal migration flows. According to him, the European Union pays the Libyan coast guard, made up of various armed groups, to detain migrants and send them to camps indefinitely.

The journalist pointed out that since 2015, Brussels, under a program called the Emergency Relief Trust Fund for Africa, has been spending money on introducing tougher anti-immigration measures in African countries and sponsoring government services that detain migrants before they arrive on the shores. Europe.

Funds from the program budget are allocated through the European Commission, which is not required to obtain approval from the European Parliament. In 2018, it became known that the foundation provided the Niger authorities with cars, planes and helicopters to curb immigration. Similar support is being provided to other African countries, in particular Sudan and Ethiopia.

On November 16, police in France allowed a crowd of migrants to leave the coast of the country unhindered in an attempt to swim across the English Channel on their way to the UK. On this day, Britain was caught by over a thousand illegal migrants. In total, in 2021, the British counted more than 40 thousand cases of border violations, of which less than half were suppressed.

