The doctor explained the skepticism of doctors about reducing the incidence of COVID-19

Doctor Kondrakhin: we have no defenses to stop COVID-19 in the near future

Physician, clinical pharmacologist Andrey Kondrakhin explained in a conversation with why doctors are skeptical about a possible decrease in the incidence of COVID-19 in the near future.

Earlier, research by Rosgosstrakh Zhizn, Rosgosstrakh and the Doctor at work ”showed that doctors do not expect a decrease in the incidence of coronavirus in the coming months. About a third of those surveyed (29 percent) believe that the number of cases of COVID-19 will increase soon, the majority (42 percent) expect a slight increase in new diagnoses, and only 11 percent think that the incidence will continue to decline in the near future.

Kondrakhin agreed with the opinion of most doctors and explained that there are no clear preconditions for believing that the disease will recede in the near future. “We have not yet formed a collective immunity, it is more than 50 percent only. Someone does not want to be vaccinated, someone else has not been ill. All this leads to the fact that the virus is still circulating in the population. We need at least over 75 percent, that is, we still have about 25-30 percent of people who will get sick. From this we can conclude that the virus will not recede yet, because we still do not have protective forces to stop it, “the doctor said.

According to Kondrakhin, the emergence of new strains and migration. “Population migration means that we bring in similar strains. Why similar? Because each country has its own specific strain: French, Italian, English, Russian, omicron from South Africa has come. That is, while we have new strains, it is unlikely that we will quickly get rid of the infection, ”he said.

