Meteorologist told about the weather in Moscow for the New Year

Meteorologist Tereshonok: snow cover in Moscow can reach 17 centimeters by New Year

Snow cover in Moscow can reach 17 centimeters … Nikolay Tereshonok, the head of the meteorology and climate department of the Central UGMS Federal State Budgetary Institution, said this, according to Moskva 24.

“On New Year's Eve, Moscow will be warming, but not to positive values. I think it will be somewhere in the range of minus 5-10 degrees. This is presumably based only on numerous meteorological observations, “Tereshonok said.

According to him, the probability of snowfall on New Year's Eve is 25 percent. The weather in Moscow this year is similar to the weather conditions in 2011 – then in summer there were abnormally high temperatures. The forecaster suggested that the winter will be similar to the one that was 10 years ago.

The climatologist added that changeable weather awaits Muscovites this winter. In the first half of December, the temperature may drop to minus 20 degrees, warming is expected in the city closer to the New Year, Tereshonok explained.

Previously, the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand, spoke about the winter weather in Central Russia. According to him, during this period frosts down to minus 20 and thaws are forecasted. Temperature fluctuations are associated with climate warming, the specialist explained.

