Estonia called on the West to take concrete steps to contain Russia

The Estonian Defense Minister called for concrete steps to “contain aggressive Russia” … Estonian Defense Minister Kalle Laanet said this during a meeting with French Defense Minister Florence Parley in Paris, according to the press service of the Estonian Defense Ministry.

He said that Western countries “should not be limited only by telephone calls” this direction, and called them to “concrete actions” in relation to Russia.

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Laanet and Parley agreed that the situation on the Russian-Ukrainian border “causes concern and threatens European security.” In this regard, they discussed possible NATO measures in the east of the alliance, including those involving bilateral cooperation between Estonia and France.

The ministers also touched upon the situation in Mali, where Estonian troops are participating in a coalition led by France. The heads of the military departments agreed that the strengthening of Russia's influence in the region is “a challenge for both Europe and Africa” and is aimed at destroying “European unity.”

Earlier, Estonian Permanent Representative to NATO Jüri Luik predicted Russia is confronted with a very serious military force in the event of an attack on Ukraine. At the same time, he stressed that the North Atlantic Alliance and the United States remain vigilant and ready to use all available means.

