The State Duma proposed new fines for drivers

State Duma Deputy Nilov proposed to fine five thousand rubles for dangerous driving dangerous driving. This was announced by the chairman of the Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Yaroslav Nilov in Telegram.

According to him, aggressive driving can be committed only intentionally, with the knowledge of the illegal nature of their actions. This, as noted by the authors of the document, is evidenced by numerous videos on social networks in which drivers arrange races on the roads and demonstrate disrespect for other road users.

The bill establishes a fine for aggressive driving in the amount of five thousand rubles, the deputy said … A repeated violation will be punished with a fine of five to ten thousand rubles or deprivation of driver's documents for up to a year, he concluded.

Earlier, the speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin said that fines for lack of technical inspection after the adoption of the law on its abolition will concern those drivers for whom the procedure will remain mandatory. The relevant parliamentary committees on transport and legislation will monitor the issue of clarifying the provisions of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code of Russia, he added.

