Lukashenko assessed the likelihood of early presidential elections in Belarus

Lukashenko said that elections for all government bodies will be held after the adoption of the new Constitution

adoption of the updated Constitution of the country. He spoke about this in an interview with RIA Novosti.

Lukashenko said that after the referendum on amendments to the Belarusian Constitution, elections will be held again for all government bodies, in particular – the parliament and the All-Belarusian Assembly. At the same time, he did not rule out early elections for the head of state.

According to him, they can be held if “the president decides so” or other terms for the election of the Belarusian leader will be fixed in the transitional provisions in the main law .

Earlier, Lukashenka explained the meaning of the adoption of the new Constitution. He said that the main essence of the changes being made is the redistribution of powers and the creation of a new power structure. The head of the republic noted that the role of the government and parliament will grow, but the strong presidential power will remain.



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