The crews of the “Bastion” missile complex took over on duty in the Kuril Islands

The calculations of the DBK “Bastion” Pacific Fleet for the first time took over duty on the Kuril island of Matua

“Calculations” fleet (Pacific Fleet) were first deployed and took over duty on the Kuril island of Matua. This was reported to TASS on Thursday, December 2, by the press service of the Eastern Military District.

In particular, an autonomous military town has been deployed on the island – it has completed work on the improvement of premises for year-round service and residence of personnel … In addition, for the operation and maintenance of equipment, technical posts have been mounted, storage facilities have been deployed, entrances to the launch positions have been equipped.

“The personnel began to carry out duty and carry out planned combat training measures,” the press service explained and added, that the Pacific Fleet's missile crew will be on a 24-hour watch to monitor the adjacent water area and straits.

It is noted that the equipment, personnel and materiel were delivered to the island zone by large landing ships of the Primorsky Flotilla of various forces of the Pacific Fleet.

On November 16, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that the marines would be equipped with “Superkalashnikovs” – AK-12 assault rifles. They were tested by the “black berets” of the Pacific Fleet's peacekeeping battalion, currently serving in Nagorno-Karabakh.

