Russian teen shoots a schoolboy

In the Altai Territory, a tenth grader shot a peer in the head near the school

In the Altai Territory, a teenager shot a peer in the head from an air gun. This is reported by the regional SU of the Investigative Committee.

The incident occurred on December 1 near the school building in the village of Altayskoye. A 10th grade student was injured, he needed medical attention.

Investigators began an investigation into the fact that minors were injured in an educational institution. Based on its results, the issue of initiating a criminal case will be decided.

On November 22, it was reported that a 14-year-old teenager wanted to arrange a shooting in a school in Kazan for five thousand rubles from a stranger. He claimed that he had received the address of a clothing cache for the attack on the school. He noted that he wanted to do it in a Hate t-shirt with a bloody white rose in the style of the American subculture. He later said that he just wanted to take the money and do nothing.



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